Utilizing the 'xcrun' Command (with examples)

Utilizing the 'xcrun' Command (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 17, 2024

xcrun is a versatile command line tool used by developers working within the Apple ecosystem. It is employed primarily to run or locate development tools and properties within the Xcode environment. Developers benefit from xcrun as it provides a standardized way to access tools and manage different SDKs or toolchains, ensuring that the correct versions are being used for their projects. Here’s a breakdown of some practical use cases of the xcrun command.

Use Case 1: Find and Run a Tool from the Active Developer Directory


xcrun tool arguments

Motivation: In development environments, especially within Xcode, it’s common to have multiple tools that need to be executed or checked. xcrun helps you locate and run specific tools without needing to manually hunt through directories. This command is extremely useful when you frequently switch between different tools during the build process.


  • tool: This represents the specific tool you want to run. For example, if you wanted to run ‘simctl’, you would replace tool with simctl.
  • arguments: These are any additional arguments you might need to pass to the tool. It could be paths, options, or parameters that modify the tool’s operation.

Example Output: Running a specific simulator tool might output details of available simulators, like their UUIDs and statuses, depending on the tool and arguments.

Use Case 2: Show Verbose Output


xcrun tool arguments --verbose

Motivation: Sometimes it’s crucial to understand precisely what a tool is doing to diagnose issues or comprehend its actions thoroughly. The verbose flag in xcrun is suitable for when you need detailed information about the operations that are conducted as the command is executed.


  • tool: Again, replace this with the desired tool.
  • arguments: Any specific options or parameters for the tool.
  • --verbose: This option increases output verbosity, displaying additional details that are typically hidden.

Example Output: Verbose output will display detailed steps the tool takes, including paths searched, environment variables adapted, and files accessed or modified.

Use Case 3: Find a Tool for a Given SDK


xcrun --sdk sdk_name

Motivation: When developing applications for different platforms or versions of platforms, it’s essential to ensure you’re targeting the right SDK. Using xcrun to specify an SDK can prevent compatibility issues and streamline the development process.


  • --sdk: This indicates that you are specifying a particular Software Development Kit.
  • sdk_name: Input the exact name of the SDK required, such as iphoneos or macosx.

Example Output: If successful, this command will output the path to the specified SDK’s tools, indicating areas like where headers, libraries, and bin files are located.

Use Case 4: Find a Tool for a Given Toolchain


xcrun --toolchain name

Motivation: Toolchains comprise a collection of programming tools that are crucial during software development. Multiple toolchains may be installed, and a developer may need to switch between them, say from the default toolchain to a custom one for different requirements or optimizations.


  • --toolchain: This option specifies that the toolchain is to be considered during the search.
  • name: Names the toolchain that should be used. Default toolchains are often named com.apple.dt.toolchain.XcodeDefault.

Example Output: Results in paths and details for toolchain-specific resources ensuring correct versions are used, reducing the chance of mismatches during compilation.

Use Case 5: Display Help


xcrun --help

Motivation: Consulting the help command is a fundamental action when familiarizing oneself with a new tool or when the syntax of certain commands is forgotten. It provides a reference to correct usage and available options.


  • --help: This flag triggers the help documentation, listing available commands, options, and brief explanations.

Example Output: Provides a detailed list of options, usage guidelines, and possibly example commands, assisting users in effectively leveraging xcrun.

Use Case 6: Display Version


xcrun --version

Motivation: Knowing the version of xcrun being used can be useful for debugging or when sharing details to solve issues collaboratively. This ensures compatibility and verifies that the correct version of the tool is installed, especially after updates.


  • --version: Command to return the installed version of the xcrun utility.

Example Output: Displays the current version number of xcrun, confirming what build of the tool is in use.


The xcrun command is a powerful utility that aids developers in efficiently managing and executing developer tools within Apple’s Xcode environment. Its various options and flags allow for precise control and can significantly enhance productivity by ensuring the correct tools and SDKs are utilized. With these use cases and examples, you’re now better equipped to leverage this command in your development workflow.

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