How to use the command 'xcv' (with examples)

How to use the command 'xcv' (with examples)

The ‘xcv’ command is a helpful tool for cutting, copying, and pasting files in the command-line. It provides a convenient way to manipulate files without the need for a graphical interface. This article will explore several use cases of the ‘xcv’ command, including cutting a file, copying a file, pasting a file, and listing files available for pasting.

Use case 1: Cut a file


xcv x input_file

Motivation: The ‘xcv x’ command is used to cut a file, removing it from its current location and adding it to a clipboard for later use. This can be useful when reorganizing files or when preparing to paste a file elsewhere.


  • xcv: The ‘xcv’ command refers to the utility itself.
  • x: The ‘x’ argument instructs ‘xcv’ to cut a file.
  • input_file: This is the file to be cut.

Example Output:

Cutting file: input_file
File cut successfully.

Use case 2: Copy a file


xcv c input_file

Motivation: The ‘xcv c’ command allows you to copy a file to a clipboard without removing it from its current location. This is useful when you want to duplicate a file or create a backup.


  • xcv: The ‘xcv’ command refers to the utility itself.
  • c: The ‘c’ argument instructs ‘xcv’ to copy a file.
  • input_file: This is the file to be copied.

Example Output:

Copying file: input_file
File copied successfully.

Use case 3: Paste a file


xcv v output_file

Motivation: The ‘xcv v’ command is used to paste a file from the clipboard to a specified location. This is useful when you want to move a file from the clipboard to a desired directory.


  • xcv: The ‘xcv’ command refers to the utility itself.
  • v: The ‘v’ argument instructs ‘xcv’ to paste a file.
  • output_file: This is the file to be pasted and its desired location.

Example Output:

Pasting file: output_file
File pasted successfully.

Use case 4: List files available for pasting


xcv l

Motivation: The ‘xcv l’ command allows you to view the files currently stored in the clipboard, ready to be pasted. This is helpful for checking which files are available before pasting them.


  • xcv: The ‘xcv’ command refers to the utility itself.
  • l: The ’l’ argument instructs ‘xcv’ to list the files available for pasting.

Example Output:

Files available for pasting:
1. file1.txt
2. file2.txt
3. file3.jpg


The ‘xcv’ command provides a simple and efficient way to cut, copy, and paste files in the command-line. By using the different arguments, you can easily perform various file manipulation tasks. Whether you need to organize your files or create backups, ‘xcv’ can be a valuable tool in your command-line arsenal.

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