Using the xed Command for Editing Files in Xcode (with Examples)

Using the xed Command for Editing Files in Xcode (with Examples)

  • Osx
  • November 5, 2023

1: Open file in Xcode

The xed command can be used to open a file in Xcode for editing. This is particularly useful when you want to quickly access and modify your code or project files.


xed file1


The motivation for using this example is to open a specific file in Xcode. By using the xed command followed by the file name, you can directly open the file in Xcode without manually navigating through the Xcode IDE.


  • xed is the command used to open files in Xcode.
  • file1 is the name of the file you want to open.

Example Output:

The specified file, “file1”, will be opened in Xcode, allowing you to view and edit its contents within the Xcode IDE.

2: Open file(s) in Xcode, create if it doesn’t exist

The xed command can be used to open multiple files in Xcode. If a file does not exist, you can use the --create option to create it before it opens.


xed --create filename1


This example is useful when you want to create a new file and immediately open it in Xcode for editing. It saves you the hassle of manually creating the file and then navigating to it within Xcode.


  • xed is the command used to open files in Xcode.
  • --create is an option that tells xed to create the file if it doesn’t exist.
  • filename1 is the name of the file you want to open/create.

Example Output:

If the specified file, “filename1”, exists, it will be opened in Xcode. If the file doesn’t exist, it will be created first and then opened in Xcode, allowing you to start editing it immediately.

3: Open a file in Xcode and jump to line number 75

The xed command allows you to jump to a specific line number in a file when opening it in Xcode. This is useful when you want to quickly navigate to a particular section or line of code.


xed --line 75 filename


This example is helpful when you need to jump to a specific line in a file for editing purposes. Instead of manually scrolling through the file, you can use the --line option to quickly navigate to the desired line.


  • xed is the command used to open files in Xcode.
  • --line is an option that allows you to specify the line number to jump to.
  • 75 is the line number you want to jump to.
  • filename is the name of the file you want to open.

Example Output:

The specified file, “filename”, will be opened in Xcode, and the cursor will be moved to line number 75. This allows you to immediately start editing the code or content at that specific line.

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