How to use the command "Xephyr" (with examples)

How to use the command "Xephyr" (with examples)

Xephyr is a nested X server that runs as an X application. It allows users to create a new screen within their current X session, which can be useful for testing or running multiple X applications simultaneously.

Use case 1: Create a black window with display ID “:2”


Xephyr -br -ac -noreset -screen 800x600 :2

Motivation: The motivation for creating a black window with display ID “:2” is to have a separate screen to test or run applications without affecting the main X session.


  • -br: Enables backing store support, which provides a memory-saving technique by saving window contents to allow faster redisplay.
  • -ac: Allows any client to connect to the X server.
  • -noreset: Prevents the X server from resetting.
  • -screen 800x600: Sets the screen resolution to 800x600 pixels.
  • :2: Specifies the display ID for the new screen.

Example output: A new Xephyr window with a black background and a resolution of 800x600 pixels will be created with the display ID “:2”.

Use case 2: Start an X application on the new screen


DISPLAY=:2 command_name

Motivation: Starting an X application on the new screen allows the user to run a specific application on the separate screen created with Xephyr, without affecting the main X session.


  • DISPLAY=:2: Sets the display environment variable to “:2”, indicating that the X application should be displayed on the screen created with Xephyr.
  • command_name: Represents the name of the X application that the user wishes to run on the new screen.

Example output: The specified X application will launch and appear on the new screen created with Xephyr, allowing the user to interact with it independently from the main X session.


Xephyr is a versatile command that allows users to create and interact with separate screens within their current X session. This can be useful for testing or running multiple X applications simultaneously without affecting the main X session. By understanding and utilizing the various options and functionalities provided by Xephyr, users can enhance their X server experience and manage their X applications more efficiently.

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