How to use the command 'xeyes' (with examples)

How to use the command 'xeyes' (with examples)

The ‘xeyes’ command is a simple graphical application that displays a pair of eyes on the screen. These eyes will follow the movement of the mouse cursor, providing a fun and interactive visual experience.

Use case 1: Launching xeyes on the local machine’s default display



Motivation: The motivation for launching xeyes on the local machine’s default display is to observe the eyes following the movement of the mouse cursor in real-time. It can be an entertaining visual display that adds a touch of whimsy to the desktop environment.

Explanation: The command ‘xeyes’ alone is sufficient to launch the application on the local machine’s default display. It utilizes the default display environment settings.

Example Output: Once the command is executed, a window will appear on the screen showing a pair of eyes. These eyes will follow the movement of the mouse cursor as it moves around the screen.

Use case 2: Launching xeyes on a remote machine’s display 0, screen 0


xeyes -display remote_host:0.0

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to launch xeyes on a remote machine’s display to observe the eyes following the mouse cursor remotely. This can be useful in situations where you want to showcase xeyes on a different machine or provide a visual demonstration to remote participants.

Explanation: The ‘-display’ argument is used in conjunction with the hostname and the corresponding display number to specify the remote machine’s display to use. In this case, ‘remote_host’ represents the hostname or IP address of the remote machine, and ‘0.0’ represents the display and screen numbers.

Example Output: Once the command is executed, a window will appear on the remote machine’s display. The pair of eyes within the window will then follow the movement of the mouse cursor on the remote machine.


The ‘xeyes’ command is a fun and interactive graphical application that displays a pair of eyes on the screen, following the movement of the mouse cursor. It can be launched on the local machine’s default display or on a remote machine’s display using the ‘-display’ argument. Whether for entertainment purposes or visual demonstrations, ‘xeyes’ adds a touch of whimsy to the user’s desktop environment.

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