How to use the command xfce4-screenshooter (with examples)

How to use the command xfce4-screenshooter (with examples)

The xfce4-screenshooter command is a screenshot tool specifically designed for the XFCE desktop environment. It allows users to easily capture screenshots of their desktop and provides various options for customization. With this command, users can capture screenshots of the entire screen, a specific region, or the active window. They can also choose to save the screenshots to a specific directory, copy them to the clipboard, or open them with a chosen program.

Use case 1: Launch the screenshooter GUI



Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to quickly launch the screenshooter GUI to take screenshots. It provides a convenient graphical interface for capturing screenshots without the need to use command-line arguments.

Explanation: The command xfce4-screenshooter without any arguments launches the screenshooter GUI, allowing users to easily capture screenshots. This is particularly useful for users who prefer a graphical interface over command-line options.

Example output: The screenshooter GUI will be displayed, providing options for capturing screenshots.

Use case 2: Take a screenshot of the entire screen and launch the GUI to ask how to proceed


xfce4-screenshooter --fullscreen

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to capture a screenshot of the entire screen but also want the option to choose what to do with the screenshot afterward. By launching the GUI after capturing the screenshot, you can easily select whether to save, copy, or open the screenshot with a specific program.

Explanation: The --fullscreen argument instructs the xfce4-screenshooter command to capture a screenshot of the entire screen. When this argument is used, the command will automatically launch the screenshooter GUI to ask how to proceed with the captured screenshot.

Example output: After capturing the fullscreen screenshot, the screenshooter GUI will be displayed, providing options for saving, copying, or opening the screenshot with a chosen program.

Use case 3: Take a screenshot of the entire screen and save it in the specified directory


xfce4-screenshooter --fullscreen --save path/to/directory

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to capture a screenshot of the entire screen and save it to a specific directory. By specifying the directory path, you can easily organize and locate your screenshots.

Explanation: The --fullscreen argument captures a screenshot of the entire screen, and the --save argument followed by the path/to/directory specifies the directory where the screenshot will be saved. By using these arguments together, you can ensure that the captured screenshot is saved in the desired location.

Example output: The screenshot of the entire screen will be captured and saved in the specified directory.

Use case 4: Wait some time before taking the screenshot


xfce4-screenshooter --delay seconds

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you need to capture a screenshot of a specific screen state that requires some setup time. By using the --delay argument, you can introduce a delay before the actual screenshot is taken.

Explanation: The --delay argument followed by the desired seconds specifies the amount of time to wait before taking the screenshot. This is particularly useful when you need to adjust certain elements on the screen or open specific applications or menus, ensuring that the desired content is captured in the screenshot.

Example output: After the specified delay, the screenshot will be captured.

Use case 5: Take a screenshot of a region of the screen (select using the mouse)


xfce4-screenshooter --region

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to capture a specific region of the screen, rather than the entire screen. By allowing users to select the region using the mouse, this command provides flexibility in capturing screenshots of specific areas.

Explanation: The --region argument instructs the xfce4-screenshooter command to capture a screenshot of a specific region of the screen. After executing the command, users can click and drag to select the desired region using the mouse.

Example output: The screenshooter GUI will be displayed, allowing users to select a region by dragging the mouse. After selecting the region, the screenshot will be captured.

Use case 6: Take a screenshot of the active window, and copy it to the clipboard


xfce4-screenshooter --window --clipboard

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to capture a screenshot of the active window and directly copy it to the clipboard. By using the clipboard, you can easily paste the screenshot into other applications without the need to save it as a file.

Explanation: The --window argument instructs the xfce4-screenshooter command to capture a screenshot of the active window. The --clipboard argument copies the captured screenshot to the clipboard. By using these arguments together, the screenshot is captured and immediately available for pasting into other applications.

Example output: The screenshot of the active window will be captured and copied to the clipboard.

Use case 7: Take a screenshot of the active window, and open it with a chosen program


xfce4-screenshooter --window --open gimp

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to capture a screenshot of the active window and open it directly with a chosen program. By specifying the program, you can quickly edit or manipulate the screenshot using your preferred software.

Explanation: The --window argument instructs the xfce4-screenshooter command to capture a screenshot of the active window. The --open argument followed by the program name (e.g., gimp) opens the captured screenshot with the specified program.

Example output: The screenshot of the active window will be captured and immediately opened with the chosen program (e.g., GIMP).


The xfce4-screenshooter command provides a versatile and user-friendly way to capture screenshots in the XFCE desktop environment. With its various command-line options, users can easily capture screenshots of the entire screen, specific regions, or active windows. Users also have the option to save, copy, or open the screenshots with chosen programs, providing flexibility in how they work with the captured screenshots.

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