How to use the command xfreerdp (with examples)

How to use the command xfreerdp (with examples)

The xfreerdp command is a free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), which allows users to connect to a remote server and interact with its graphical desktop. This command provides a convenient way to establish remote desktop connections and customize various settings during the connection process.

Use case 1: Connect to a FreeRDP server


xfreerdp /u:username /p:password /v:ip_address

Motivation: The first use case demonstrates how to connect to a FreeRDP server using a specified username, password, and IP address. This is useful when you need to access a remote desktop session and securely authenticate yourself.


  • /u:username: Specifies the username for authentication on the remote server.
  • /p:password: Specifies the password for authentication on the remote server.
  • /v:ip_address: Specifies the IP address or hostname of the remote server to connect to.

Example output:

Connected to

Use case 2: Connect to a FreeRDP server and activate audio output redirection using sys:alsa device


xfreerdp /u:username /p:password /v:ip_address /sound:sys:alsa

Motivation: This use case allows you to redirect the audio output from the remote server to your local machine using the ALSA sound system. It is particularly useful when you need to listen to audio from applications running on the remote desktop.


  • /sound:sys:alsa: Activates audio output redirection using the ALSA sound system on the local machine.

Example output:

Audio output is redirected to the local machine's speakers.

Use case 3: Connect to a FreeRDP server with dynamic resolution


xfreerdp /v:ip_address /u:username /p:password /dynamic-resolution

Motivation: When connecting to a FreeRDP server with dynamic resolution, the remote desktop session automatically adjusts its display resolution to match the window size of the local machine. This provides a seamless and user-friendly experience when working with a remote desktop.


  • /dynamic-resolution: Enables dynamic resolution, where the remote desktop session adjusts its display resolution based on the local machine’s window size.

Example output:

The remote desktop resolution dynamically matches the local machine's window size.

Use case 4: Connect to a FreeRDP server with clipboard redirection


xfreerdp /v:ip_address /u:username /p:password +clipboard

Motivation: Clipboard redirection allows you to copy and paste text and files between the local machine and the remote desktop. This use case enables clipboard redirection during the remote desktop session, enhancing productivity and simplifying data transfer.


  • +clipboard: Enables clipboard redirection, allowing text and files to be copied and pasted between the local machine and the remote desktop.

Example output:

Clipboard redirection is enabled.

Use case 5: Connect to a FreeRDP server ignoring any certificate checks


xfreerdp /v:ip_address /u:username /p:password /cert:ignore

Motivation: In some cases, a FreeRDP server may have a self-signed or untrusted SSL/TLS certificate. This use case allows you to connect to the server without performing any certificate checks, bypassing any potential warnings or errors related to the certificate trust.


  • /cert:ignore: Ignores and bypasses any certificate checks during the connection process, regardless of the certificate’s validity.

Example output:

Connected to (Certificate validation bypassed).

Use case 6: Connect to a FreeRDP server with a shared directory


xfreerdp /v:ip_address /u:username /p:password /drive:path/to/directory,share_name

Motivation: The shared directory feature allows you to access files and folders between the local machine and the remote desktop. By specifying a directory path and share name, you can easily transfer files and collaborate with others during the remote desktop session.


  • /drive:path/to/directory,share_name: Specifies a local directory to be shared with the remote desktop using a specified share name.

Example output:

Local directory 'path/to/directory' is successfully shared with the remote desktop as 'share_name'.


The xfreerdp command is a versatile tool for connecting to FreeRDP servers and customizing various settings during the connection process. By understanding the different use cases and their corresponding command syntax, you can effortlessly establish remote desktop sessions and enhance your productivity in a remote working environment.

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