How to use the command 'xml depyx' (with examples)

How to use the command 'xml depyx' (with examples)

The ‘xml depyx’ command is a part of the XMLStarlet toolkit and is used to convert a PYX (ESIS - ISO 8879) document to XML format. This command is especially useful when working with XML documents and need to convert them from PYX format. The command provides a simple and efficient way to convert PYX documents to XML.

Use case 1: Convert a PYX (ESIS - ISO 8879) document to XML format


xml depyx path/to/input.pyx|URI > path/to/output.xml

Motivation: In this use case, we have a PYX document named ‘input.pyx’ that we want to convert to XML format. By using the ‘xml depyx’ command, we can easily convert the document to XML format and save it as ‘output.xml’. This allows us to work with the document in an XML format, which offers more flexibility and ease of use.


  • xml depyx: This is the command to convert the PYX document to XML format.
  • path/to/input.pyx|URI: This is the path to the PYX document that we want to convert. It can be a local file path or a URI.
  • >: This is a redirection operator used to save the output in a file.
  • path/to/output.xml: This is the path where the converted XML document will be saved.

Example OUTPUT:

The PYX document 'input.pyx' has been successfully converted to XML format and saved as 'output.xml'

Use case 2: Convert a PYX document from stdin to XML format


cat path/to/input.pyx | xml depyx > path/to/output.xml

Motivation: In this use case, we have a PYX document named ‘input.pyx’ and want to convert it to XML format. However, instead of providing the path to the document as an argument, we want to provide the document content through the stdin pipe. This can be useful when working with large PYX documents or when the document is generated dynamically.


  • cat path/to/input.pyx: This command reads the content of the ‘input.pyx’ document.
  • |: This is the pipe operator used to pass the document content to the next command.
  • xml depyx: This is the command to convert the PYX document to XML format.
  • >: This is a redirection operator used to save the output in a file.
  • path/to/output.xml: This is the path where the converted XML document will be saved.

Example OUTPUT:

The content of the 'input.pyx' document has been successfully converted to XML format and saved as 'output.xml'

Use case 3: Display help for the depyx subcommand


xml depyx --help

Motivation: In this use case, we want to get more information about the depyx subcommand of the ‘xml’ command. By using the --help option, we can display the help information for the depyx subcommand, which provides details about its usage and available options.


  • xml depyx: This is the command for the depyx subcommand.
  • --help: This is an option used to display the help information for the depyx subcommand.

Example OUTPUT:

Usage: xml depyx [<options>] [<pyx document>]
  Convert PYX (based on ESIS - ISO 8879) document to XML format.

  -C or --create-declaration        Create XML declaration and insert it
                                   at the start of output XML.
  --yeslet                         Preserve <yes> element in the output XML.
  --noyeslet                       Remove <yes> element from the output XML.


The ‘xml depyx’ command is a powerful tool in the XMLStarlet toolkit that allows us to convert PYX documents to XML format. By using the provided examples, we can easily convert PYX documents, whether from a file or through stdin, to XML format. Additionally, the --help option allows us to get more information about the usage and available options of the depyx subcommand.

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