How to use the command `xml edit` (with examples)

How to use the command `xml edit` (with examples)

The xml edit command allows users to edit an XML document. It provides several functionalities, including deleting elements, moving element nodes, renaming attributes and sub-elements, updating values, and displaying help.

Use case 1: Delete elements matching an XPATH from an XML document


xml edit --delete "XPATH1" path/to/input.xml|URI

Motivation: This use case is helpful when there is a need to remove specific elements from an XML document based on a given XPath. By using this command, users can easily delete unwanted elements from the XML document.


  • --delete: This flag indicates that the command will delete elements.
  • "XPATH1": This is the XPath expression that specifies the elements to be deleted.
  • path/to/input.xml|URI: This is the path or URI of the XML document to be edited.

Example output: If the command is successful, the specified elements will be removed from the XML document.

Use case 2: Move an element node of an XML document from XPATH1 to XPATH2


xml edit --move "XPATH1" "XPATH2" path/to/input.xml|URI

Motivation: When there is a need to rearrange the structure of an XML document, moving an element node from one location to another can be helpful. This command allows users to easily move the desired element node to a new location defined by the XPath.


  • --move: This flag indicates that the command will move an element node.
  • "XPATH1": This is the XPath expression of the element node to be moved.
  • "XPATH2": This is the XPath expression specifying the new location for the element node.
  • path/to/input.xml|URI: This is the path or URI of the XML document to be edited.

Example output: After executing the command, the specified element node will be moved to the new location within the XML document.

Use case 3: Rename all attributes named “id” to “ID”


xml edit --rename "//*/@id" -v "ID" path/to/input.xml|URI

Motivation: In some cases, it is necessary to rename attributes within an XML document. This use case focuses on renaming all attributes named “id” to “ID” within the XML document.


  • --rename: This flag indicates that the command will rename attributes.
  • "//*/@id": This is the XPath expression that matches all attributes named “id” within the XML document.
  • -v "ID": This specifies the new value for the matched attributes (in this case, renaming to “ID”).
  • path/to/input.xml|URI: This is the path or URI of the XML document to be edited.

Example output: Upon successful execution of the command, all attributes named “id” within the XML document will be renamed to “ID”.

Use case 4: Rename sub-elements of the element “table” that are named “rec” to “record”


xml edit --rename "/xml/table/rec" -v "record" path/to/input.xml|URI

Motivation: Renaming sub-elements within an XML document can be necessary for clarity or consistency purposes. This use case focuses on renaming sub-elements of the element “table” that are named “rec” to “record”.


  • --rename: This flag indicates that the command will rename sub-elements.
  • "/xml/table/rec": This is the XPath expression that matches the sub-elements of the element “table” named “rec”.
  • -v "record": This specifies the new value for the matched sub-elements (renaming to “record”).
  • path/to/input.xml|URI: This is the path or URI of the XML document to be edited.

Example output: After executing the command, the sub-elements of the element “table” that are named “rec” will be renamed to “record” within the XML document.

Use case 5: Update the XML table record with “id=3” to the value “id=5”


xml edit --update "xml/table/rec[@id=3]/@id" -v 5 path/to/input.xml|URI

Motivation: Updating specific values within an XML document can be necessary to reflect changes or corrections. This use case focuses on updating the value of the XML table record with “id=3” to “id=5”.


  • --update: This flag indicates that the command will update values.
  • "xml/table/rec[@id=3]/@id": This is the XPath expression that matches the attribute “id” of the XML table record with “id=3”.
  • -v 5: This specifies the new value for the matched attribute (updating to 5).
  • path/to/input.xml|URI: This is the path or URI of the XML document to be edited.

Example output: Upon successful execution of the command, the XML table record with “id=3” will be updated to the value “id=5” within the XML document.

Use case 6: Display help for the edit subcommand


xml edit --help

Motivation: When users need information or assistance related to the edit subcommand of xml, this use case allows them to quickly access the help documentation.


  • --help: This flag displays the help documentation for the specified subcommand.

Example output: Executing the command will display the relevant help information, including the available options and usage examples, for the edit subcommand.

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