How to use the command xml escape (with examples)

How to use the command xml escape (with examples)

This article will guide you through the different use cases of the command xml escape. This command is used to escape special characters in XML files or strings, ensuring that they are properly interpreted by XML parsers. This is important when dealing with XML data, as special characters can cause syntax errors or misinterpretation of the data.

Use case 1: Escape special XML characters in a string


xml escape "<a1>"

Motivation: When working with a string that contains special XML characters, such as angle brackets or ampersands, it is necessary to escape these characters to ensure the correctness of the XML data.

Explanation: The command xml escape is followed by the string that needs to be escaped, in this case, "<a1>". The command will replace the special characters <, >, and & with their respective XML escape codes &lt;, &gt;, and &amp;.

Example output: The command xml escape "<a1>" will output &lt;a1&gt;, which is the escaped version of the original string.

Use case 2: Escape special XML characters from stdin


echo "<a1>" | xml escape

Motivation: In some cases, it might be more convenient to directly pipe the input to the xml escape command instead of specifying it as an argument. This is particularly useful when processing data in a pipeline.

Explanation: The echo "<a1>" command is used to pass the string "<a1>" as input to the xml escape command via stdin. The | symbol is used to pipe the output of echo to the input of xml escape.

Example output: The piped command echo "<a1>" | xml escape will produce the same output as the previous use case: &lt;a1&gt;.

Use case 3: Display help for the escape subcommand


xml escape --help

Motivation: When working with new or unfamiliar commands, it is often necessary to consult the command’s documentation for guidance, including the available options and their usage. This use case showcases how to access the help information specifically for the escape subcommand of xml.

Explanation: The xml escape --help command displays the help information for the escape subcommand, providing details on its usage, available options, and additional information, which can be useful for learning or refreshing your knowledge on how to use this specific subcommand.

Example output: The output of xml escape --help will provide a block of text with instructions and explanations for using the escape subcommand, helping users understand how to utilize it effectively.


The xml escape command is a versatile tool for escaping special XML characters in both strings and input received via stdin. It provides a straightforward way to ensure the proper interpretation of XML data by replacing the predefined set of special characters with their respective escape codes. By understanding and using the different use cases described in this article, you will be able to handle XML data more effectively and avoid potential issues with special characters.

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