How to use the command 'xml list' (with examples)

How to use the command 'xml list' (with examples)

The xml list command is used to list the contents of a directory in XML format, similar to the regular ls command. It provides a more structured view of the directory’s contents by outputting them in XML syntax.

Use case 1: Write the current directory’s listing to an XML document


xml list > path/to/dir_list.xml

Motivation: By using this command, the current directory’s listing can be captured and saved as an XML document. This can be useful for various purposes, such as sharing the directory’s contents with others who may use it in XML-based workflows or processing the directory’s listing programmatically.


  • xml list: This is the command itself, followed by the subcommand list which instructs it to list the directory’s contents in XML format.
  • >: This symbol is used to redirect the command’s output to a file instead of displaying it in the terminal.
  • path/to/dir_list.xml: This is the file path where the XML document will be saved. You can choose the desired path and filename.

Example output: The directory listing will be saved as an XML document at the specified file path (path/to/dir_list.xml). The XML document will contain a structured representation of the current directory’s contents, including file names, sizes, permissions, and other relevant attributes.

Use case 2: Write the specified directory’s listing to an XML document


xml list path/to/directory > path/to/dir_list.xml

Motivation: This use case allows you to specify a particular directory whose contents you want to view in XML format. It is especially useful when you want to inspect and save the directory listing of a specific location.


  • xml list: This is the command itself, followed by the subcommand list which instructs it to list the directory’s contents in XML format.
  • path/to/directory: This is the path to the specified directory whose contents you want to list in XML format.
  • >: This symbol is used to redirect the command’s output to a file instead of displaying it in the terminal.
  • path/to/dir_list.xml: This is the file path where the XML document will be saved. You can choose the desired path and filename.

Example output: The directory listing of the specified directory will be saved as an XML document at the specified file path (path/to/dir_list.xml). The XML document will contain a structured representation of the directory’s contents, similar to the output of the previous use case.

Use case 3: Display help for the list subcommand


xml list --help

Motivation: The xml list command offers various functionalities, and it may be helpful to get detailed information about the list subcommand’s usage and available options. This use case provides a quick and convenient way to access the command’s help documentation.


  • xml list: This is the command itself, followed by the subcommand list for which you want to display the help information.
  • --help: This is an option that can be passed to the command in order to retrieve the help documentation specific to the list subcommand.

Example output: Executing the command xml list --help will display the help information for the list subcommand. This documentation will provide details about the command’s syntax, available options, and explanations of the different functionalities that can be achieved using the list subcommand.

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