Exploring Filesystems with xplr (with examples)

Exploring Filesystems with xplr (with examples)

xplr is a terminal-based file system explorer designed to provide users with an intuitive and efficient way to navigate through their directories and files directly from the terminal. It offers a variety of command-line options to interact with files and directories, making it a versatile tool for developers, system administrators, or anyone who frequently works in the terminal. xplr enhances productivity by providing a text-based interface for file system exploration, enabling users to perform tasks like viewing, selecting, and managing files without leaving the command line interface.

Use case 1: Open a directory


xplr path/to/directory


When working on projects with multiple directories, quickly navigating the file structure becomes essential. Using xplr path/to/directory allows you to open the specified directory within the xplr interface. This is particularly useful when you need to visualize and navigate through a directory’s contents to locate files or comprehend the project’s structure.


  • xplr: This initiates the xplr command for exploring the file system.
  • path/to/directory: This specifies the path to the directory you want to open. Replace this with the actual path to the directory you wish to navigate.

Example output:

Upon executing the command, xplr will launch within your terminal, displaying the contents of the specified directory. You’ll see a list of files and folders within that directory, allowing you to navigate and interact using keyboard shortcuts.

Use case 2: Focus on a file


xplr path/to/file


When working on a project, there may be occasions where you need to quickly locate a specific file among many. Focusing on a file through xplr allows you to highlight and access any file instantly. It eases the process of identifying critical files, making edits, or simply reviewing content without manually scrolling through endless lists of files.


  • xplr: This runs the xplr program.
  • path/to/file: This argument points directly to the file you want to highlight. You replace it with the full path to the file.

Example output:

Running this command will open xplr with the directory containing the specific file, instantly focusing on the file. It enables you to perform file operations conveniently, like viewing or editing the file directly from your terminal.

Use case 3: Focus on a directory


xplr --force-focus path/to/directory


Sometimes, while working with a timbered and nested directory structure, you might want to focus directly on an important directory without shifting through levels. Using --force-focus, xplr emphasizes the specified directory, ensuring it becomes the center of your current navigation. This is beneficial when you are sure about the directory to work in and want to avoid any distractions from upper directories.


  • xplr: Initiates the file explorer mode.
  • --force-focus: A flag that forces xplr to focus on the directory provided, as opposed to just opening its parent.
  • path/to/directory: Directs xplr to the specific directory to focus on.

Example output:

When executed, this command opens xplr pointing the cursor directly at the specified directory, irrespective of its parent structure. It allows seamless navigation and interaction within that focal directory.

Use case 4: Open a directory with specific files or directories selected


xplr path/to/directory path/to/selected_file_or_directory1 path/to/selected_file_or_directory2


In scenarios where you work with a specific set of files or subdirectories in a large directory, this option helps you select and focus on these elements at once within xplr. It reduces the need to search and manually select each file or directory, thus saving you precious time and effort.


  • xplr: Launches the file explorer.
  • path/to/directory: The path to the directory you wish to open in xplr.
  • path/to/selected_file_or_directory1 path/to/selected_file_or_directory2: These additional paths direct xplr to not only open the directory but also pre-select specific files or subdirectories within it.

Example output:

Running this command will result in xplr opening the designated directory with the specified files or directories pre-selected. This view highlights your items of interest, allowing you to quickly manage them within the broader context of the directory.


xplr is a powerful terminal-based file system explorer that enhances your command-line experience by offering versatile navigation options. By utilizing the various use cases discussed, users can streamline their workflow, effortlessly navigate through directories, and efficiently manage files within their terminal environment. Whether you’re focusing on single files, exploring directory structures, or selecting multiple items, xplr provides the tools to accomplish your tasks more effectively.

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