How to use the command "xset" (with examples)

How to use the command "xset" (with examples)


xset s off


Disabling the screensaver can be useful in situations where you don’t want your screen to automatically turn off or go to sleep after a period of inactivity. This is especially helpful when you are watching movies, giving presentations, or performing tasks that require continuous screen visibility.


The xset s off command is used to disable the screensaver. The s option stands for “screensaver” and the off argument is used to turn off the screensaver functionality.

Example Output:

After executing the command, the screensaver will be disabled, and your screen will no longer automatically turn off or go to sleep due to inactivity.

Disabling the Bell Sound


xset b off


Disabling the bell sound is useful in cases where you find the system bell notifications disruptive or unnecessary. By turning off the bell sound, you can work in a quieter environment without being constantly alerted by beeping sounds.


The xset b off command is used to disable the bell sound. The b option stands for “bell” and the off argument is used to turn off the bell sound functionality.

Example Output:

Once the command is executed, the bell sound will be disabled, and you won’t hear any beeping sounds from the system.

Setting the Screensaver Timeout


xset s 3600 3600


Setting the screensaver timeout can be useful to prevent your screen from being on unnecessarily when you are away from your computer. By adjusting the timeout to a specific duration, you can ensure that the screensaver is activated only after a certain period of inactivity.


The xset s command followed by two arguments is used to set the screensaver timeout. The first argument specifies the number of seconds of inactivity required before the screensaver activates, while the second argument determines the number of seconds the screensaver will remain active.

Example Output:

After executing the command xset s 3600 3600, the screensaver will start after 60 minutes (3600 seconds) of inactivity and will remain active for 60 minutes (3600 seconds) before the screen returns to its normal state.

Disabling DPMS (Energy Star) Features


xset -dpms


Disabling DPMS (Display Power Management Signaling) features can be useful in certain scenarios, such as when you want to prevent the screen from automatically turning off or going into standby mode due to inactivity. This is particularly helpful if you are working on a task that requires continuous screen visibility or if the DPMS features are interfering with your workflow.


The xset -dpms command is used to disable DPMS features. The -dpms option is passed as an argument to the xset command to turn off the DPMS functionality.

Example Output:

Once the command is executed, the DPMS features will be disabled, and your screen will no longer automatically turn off or go into standby mode due to inactivity.

Enabling DPMS (Energy Star) Features


xset +dpms


Enabling DPMS (Display Power Management Signaling) features can be advantageous in terms of power saving and extending the lifespan of your monitor. DPMS features allow the screen to automatically turn off or go into standby mode after a period of inactivity, reducing energy consumption and preventing screen burn-in.


The xset +dpms command is used to enable DPMS features. The +dpms option is passed as an argument to the xset command to turn on the DPMS functionality.

Example Output:

After executing the command, the DPMS features will be enabled, and your screen will automatically turn off or go into standby mode after a period of inactivity as specified by the DPMS settings.

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