How to use the command xsltproc (with examples)

How to use the command xsltproc (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

XSLT is a language used for transforming XML documents into new formats. The xsltproc command is a command-line tool that allows you to apply XSLT stylesheets to XML files, producing output in HTML or XML format. This can be useful for converting XML data into a more readable or processable format.

Use case 1: Transform an XML file with a specific XSLT stylesheet


xsltproc --output path/to/output_file.html path/to/stylesheet_file.xslt path/to/file.xml

Motivation: The motivation for using this use case is to transform an XML file according to a specific XSLT stylesheet. This is useful when you want to apply a predefined set of rules on the XML structure and display it in a different format, such as HTML.


  • xsltproc is the command to run xsltproc.
  • --output path/to/output_file.html specifies the output file name and format (in this case, HTML).
  • path/to/stylesheet_file.xslt is the path to the XSLT stylesheet file.
  • path/to/file.xml is the path to the XML file to be transformed.

Example output: The XML file is transformed according to the XSLT stylesheet, and the resulting HTML file is saved as output_file.html in the specified path.

Use case 2: Pass a value to a parameter in the stylesheet


xsltproc --output path/to/output_file.html --stringparam "name" "value" path/to/stylesheet_file.xslt path/to/xml_file.xml

Motivation: In some cases, XSLT stylesheets might have parameters that can be customized. This use case allows you to pass a value to a parameter in the stylesheet. It is useful when you want to dynamically change certain elements or behavior of the transformed output.


  • xsltproc is the command to run xsltproc.
  • --output path/to/output_file.html specifies the output file name and format (in this case, HTML).
  • --stringparam "name" "value" allows you to pass a value to a parameter in the stylesheet.
  • path/to/stylesheet_file.xslt is the path to the XSLT stylesheet file.
  • path/to/xml_file.xml is the path to the XML file to be transformed.

Example output: The XML file is transformed using the specified XSLT stylesheet, and the resulting HTML file is saved as output_file.html in the specified path. The transformation takes into account the value passed to the parameter, resulting in customized output.


The xsltproc command is a powerful tool for transforming XML files using XSLT stylesheets. It allows you to tailor the transformation according to your needs by specifying the XSLT stylesheet to be applied and passing values to parameters in the stylesheet. Whether you want to convert XML files into a different format or customize the transformation output, xsltproc provides the necessary functionality.

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