How to use the command xteddy (with examples)

How to use the command xteddy (with examples)

The xteddy command is a fun tool that allows you to display a cuddly teddy bear on your X Windows desktop. It can also perform various actions like staying on top of all other windows, displaying a different image, and setting the initial location of the teddy bear.

Use case 1: Display a cuddly teddy bear on your X desktop




This use case is perfect for when you want to add a touch of cuteness to your desktop. The cuddly teddy bear is a pleasant image that can bring a smile to your face.


The xteddy command without any arguments simply displays the default cuddly teddy bear image on your X Windows desktop.

Example output:

A small window will appear on your desktop displaying the cuddly teddy bear.

Use case 2: Use the window manager to display the teddy bear and ignore the “quit” command


xteddy -wm -noquit


The -wm option allows the teddy bear to be controlled by the window manager. This means that the teddy bear window will behave like any other window on your desktop. The -noquit option prevents the teddy bear window from closing when you press the “q” key.


The -wm option tells xteddy to use the window manager to handle the teddy bear window. The -noquit option prevents the “quit” command, triggered by pressing “q”, from closing the teddy bear window.

Example output:

The teddy bear window will appear on your desktop and can be moved, resized, and minimized like any other window. Pressing “q” will no longer close the teddy bear window.

Use case 3: Make the teddy bear stay on top of all other windows


xteddy -float


Sometimes, you may want the teddy bear to always be visible on your desktop, even if you have multiple windows open. The -float option ensures that the teddy bear window remains on top of all other windows.


The -float option forces the teddy bear window to be in the “floating” layer, which means it will be displayed on top of all other windows on your desktop.

Example output:

The teddy bear window will appear on your desktop and will always remain on top of all other windows, regardless of their position or status.

Use case 4: Display another image file instead of the cuddly teddy bear


xteddy -F path/to/image


While the cuddly teddy bear is adorable, you might want to display a different image, such as a picture of your pet or a favorite character. The -F option allows you to specify a custom image file to be displayed instead of the default teddy bear.


The -F option followed by the path to an image file tells xteddy to display that image instead of the default teddy bear.

Example output:

The specified image will be displayed in the teddy bear window on your desktop.

Use case 5: Set the initial location of the teddy bear


xteddy -geometry widthxheight+x+y


The xteddy command positions the teddy bear window at a default location on your desktop. However, there may be cases where you want to specify the exact position of the teddy bear window. The -geometry option allows you to set the initial location of the teddy bear window.


The -geometry option followed by the desired width, height, x-coordinate, and y-coordinate allows you to set the initial position of the teddy bear window. The width and height arguments are ignored, as the teddy bear window is fixed in size.

Example output:

The teddy bear window will appear on your desktop at the specified position.


The xteddy command is a fun way to add some cuteness to your X Windows desktop. Whether you want to display the default teddy bear, control the teddy bear window with the window manager, or customize the image and position of the teddy bear, xteddy offers a range of options to suit your preferences. Enjoy the whimsical charm of the teddy bear on your desktop!

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