How to use the command xterm (with examples)

How to use the command xterm (with examples)

Xterm is a terminal emulator for the X Window System. It provides a graphical user interface that allows users to interact with the Unix-like operating systems. It supports various customization options to enhance the user experience.

Use case 1: Open the terminal with a title of Example


xterm -T Example

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to customize the title of the terminal window based on the user’s preference or to provide contextual information about the terminal session.


  • -T Example: This argument specifies the title of the terminal window. In this example, the title is set to “Example”.

Example output: The terminal window will open with the title “Example” displayed at the top.

Use case 2: Open the terminal in fullscreen mode


xterm -fullscreen

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to utilize the entire screen space for the terminal, providing an immersive terminal experience.


  • -fullscreen: This argument instructs xterm to open in fullscreen mode, maximizing the terminal window to occupy the entire screen.

Example output: The terminal window will open in fullscreen mode, expanding to fill the entire screen.

Use case 3: Open the terminal with a dark blue background and yellow foreground (font color)


xterm -bg darkblue -fg yellow

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to customize the appearance of the terminal window, enhancing readability and personal preferences.


  • -bg darkblue: This argument sets the background color of the terminal window to dark blue.
  • -fg yellow: This argument sets the foreground (font) color of the terminal window to yellow.

Example output: The terminal window will open with a dark blue background and yellow font color.

Use case 4: Open the terminal with 100 characters per line and 35 lines, in screen position x=200px, y=20px


xterm -geometry 100x35+200+20

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to customize the size and position of the terminal window according to specific requirements or screen layouts.


  • -geometry 100x35+200+20: This argument specifies the geometry of the terminal window. The first part (100x35) sets the width to 100 characters per line and the height to 35 lines. The second part (+200+20) sets the screen position of the terminal window at x=200px and y=20px.

Example output: The terminal window will open with a size of 100 characters per line and 35 lines, positioned at x=200px and y=20px on the screen.

Use case 5: Open the terminal using a Serif font and a font size equal to 20


xterm -fa 'Serif' -fs 20

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to customize the font and font size used in the terminal for better readability or personal preferences.


  • -fa 'Serif': This argument sets the font family to Serif, which is a category of typefaces with distinct features and characteristics.
  • -fs 20: This argument sets the font size to 20.

Example output: The terminal window will open with the Serif font and a font size of 20.


The xterm command provides a wide range of customization options for the terminal emulator. From setting the window title to adjusting font choices, size, and colors, users can create a terminal environment that suits their needs and preferences. By utilizing these options, users can enhance readability, personalize the appearance, and improve the overall user experience of working with the terminal.

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