How to use the command xwdtopnm (with examples)

How to use the command xwdtopnm (with examples)

xwdtopnm is a command-line tool that is used to convert X11 or X10 window dump files to Portable Any Map (PNM) format. The tool is a part of the Netpbm project and is commonly used to convert XWD image files to other formats such as PBM.

Use case 1: Convert a XWD image file to PBM


xwdtopnm path/to/input_file.xwd > path/to/output_file.pnm


The motivation behind using this use case is to convert a XWD image file to PBM format. PBM (Portable BitMap) is a binary image format that represents a monochrome (black and white) image. By converting to PBM format, we can preserve the simplicity and black and white characteristics of the XWD image.


  • xwdtopnm: This is the command itself that performs the conversion from XWD to PNM format.
  • path/to/input_file.xwd: This is the path to the XWD image file that you want to convert.
  • >: This is a redirection operator that directs the output of the command to a file.
  • path/to/output_file.pnm: This is the path to the output file where the converted PBM image will be stored.

Example output:

The XWD image file is successfully converted to PBM format and stored in the specified output file.

Use case 2: Display information about the conversion process


xwdtopnm -verbose path/to/input_file.xwd > path/to/output_file.pnm


Sometimes, it is useful to have more information about the conversion process, such as the details of the X11 header of the input file. By using the -verbose option, xwdtopnm provides detailed information during the conversion process.


  • -verbose: This is an option that instructs xwdtopnm to display additional information during the conversion process.
  • Other arguments are the same as in the previous use case.

Example output:

In addition to converting the XWD image file to PBM format, the command also displays detailed information about the conversion process, including the X11 header details of the input file.

Use case 3: Display the contents of the X11 header of the input file


xwdtopnm -headerdump path/to/input_file.xwd > path/to/output_file.pnm


When analyzing an XWD image file or troubleshooting any issues related to the file, it can be helpful to view the contents of the X11 header. The -headerdump option allows us to display the header information without performing any conversion.


  • -headerdump: This option instructs xwdtopnm to display the contents of the X11 header of the input file without converting it.
  • Other arguments are the same as in the previous use cases.

Example output:

The command displays the contents of the X11 header of the input file in a human-readable format, providing useful information such as window dimensions, colormap entries, and other header fields.


The xwdtopnm command is a useful tool for converting XWD image files to PNM format. It allows for the conversion of X11 or X10 window dump files to a more portable format that can be easily used across different platforms and tools. The different use cases of xwdtopnm provide flexibility and additional functionality for converting, inspecting, and analyzing XWD image files.

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