How to use the command 'xxh' (with examples)

How to use the command 'xxh' (with examples)

The xxh command is a powerful tool that allows users to bring their shell environment with all of their customizations through SSH sessions. It does not install anything into system directories on the target machine, and removing ~/.xxh will clear all traces of xxh on the target machine. This article will provide several examples of using the xxh command and explain each use case in detail.

Use case 1: Connect to a host and run the current shell


xxh "host"

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to connect to a remote host and run the same shell environment as your local machine. It allows you to work seamlessly across different machines without losing your customizations.

Explanation: The xxh command is used to connect to a host and run the current shell. The "host" argument specifies the host you want to connect to.

Example output:

Welcome to xxh 1.0.0!

You are remotely connected to 'host'.

[user@host ~]$

Use case 2: Install the current shell into the target machine without prompting


xxh "host" ++install

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to install your current shell environment on the target machine without being prompted for confirmation. It allows for easy setup and replication of your customizations.

Explanation: The ++install argument is used to indicate that you want to install the current shell on the target machine without prompting for confirmation. The "host" argument specifies the host you want to connect to.

Example output:

The current shell has been installed on 'host' without prompting.

Use case 3: Run the specified shell on the target machine


xxh "host" ++shell xonsh|zsh|fish|bash|osquery

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to run a specific shell on the target machine. It allows you to switch to a different shell environment based on your preferences or requirements.

Explanation: The ++shell argument is used to specify the shell you want to run on the target machine. The available options are xonsh, zsh, fish, bash, and osquery. The "host" argument specifies the host you want to connect to.

Example output:

You are now running the 'bash' shell on 'host'.

Use case 4: Use a specific xxh configuration directory on the target machine


xxh "host" ++host-xxh-home ~/.xxh

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to use a specific xxh configuration directory on the target machine. It allows you to customize your xxh configuration for each target machine.

Explanation: The ++host-xxh-home argument is used to specify the xxh configuration directory you want to use on the target machine. The "host" argument specifies the host you want to connect to.

Example output:

The xxh configuration directory is now set to '~/.xxh' on 'host'.

Use case 5: Use the specified configuration file on the host machine


xxh "host" ++xxh-config ~/.config/xxh/config.xxhc

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to use a specific configuration file for xxh on the host machine. It allows for advanced customization and configuration options.

Explanation: The ++xxh-config argument is used to specify the configuration file you want to use for xxh on the host machine. The "host" argument specifies the host you want to connect to.

Example output:

The xxh configuration file is now set to '~/.config/xxh/config.xxhc' on 'host'.

Use case 6: Specify a password to use for the SSH connection


xxh "host" ++password "password"

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to specify a password to use for the SSH connection. It allows for automated logins without manually entering the password each time.

Explanation: The ++password argument is used to specify the password you want to use for the SSH connection. The "host" argument specifies the host you want to connect to.

Example output:

Connected to 'host' using the specified password.

Use case 7: Install an xxh package on the target machine


xxh "host" ++install-xxh-packages package

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to install additional xxh packages on the target machine. It allows for extending the functionality of xxh with additional features or customizations.

Explanation: The ++install-xxh-packages argument is used to specify the xxh package you want to install on the target machine. The "host" argument specifies the host you want to connect to.

Example output:

The specified xxh package has been installed on 'host'.

Use case 8: Set an environment variable for the shell process on the target machine


xxh "host" ++env name=value

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to set a specific environment variable for the shell process on the target machine. It allows for configuring the shell environment based on your specific requirements.

Explanation: The ++env argument is used to specify the environment variable you want to set for the shell process on the target machine. The "host" argument specifies the host you want to connect to. The format for setting environment variables is name=value.

Example output:

The environment variable 'name' with the value 'value' has been set for the shell process on 'host'.


The xxh command is a versatile tool that allows users to bring their shell environment with all of their customizations through SSH sessions. It offers various options for customization and configuration, making it a powerful tool for remote shell sessions. By understanding the different use cases and examples provided in this article, users can make full use of the xxh command and enhance their remote working experience.

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