How to use the command xzdiff (with examples)

How to use the command xzdiff (with examples)

The xzdiff command is used to invoke the diff command on files that have been compressed with various compression algorithms such as xz, lzma, gzip, bzip2, lzop, or zstd. It allows you to compare the contents of these compressed files and identify any differences between them. The xzdiff command passes all the specified options directly to the diff command.

Use case 1: Compare files


xzdiff path/to/file1 path/to/file2

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to compare the contents of two compressed files and view the differences between them.

Explanation: The command xzdiff is followed by the paths of the two files (path/to/file1 and path/to/file2) that you want to compare. The command will internally decompress these files using the appropriate compression algorithm and then invoke the diff command to compare the resulting uncompressed files.

Example output:

--- path/to/file1     2021-01-01 12:00:00.000000000 -0400
+++ path/to/file2     2021-01-01 12:00:00.000000000 -0400
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-Line 1: This is file 1.
-Line 2: This is another line in file 1.
+Line 1: This is file 2.
+Line 2: This is another line in file 2.

This output shows the differences between path/to/file1 and path/to/file2. In this example, the content of line 1 and line 2 in the two files is different.

Use case 2: Compare files, showing the differences side by side


xzdiff --side-by-side path/to/file1 path/to/file2

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to compare the contents of two compressed files and view the differences side by side, making it easier to identify and analyze the changes.

Explanation: The --side-by-side option is passed to the xzdiff command to display the differences between the files in a side-by-side format. The command will internally decompress the files and invoke the diff command with the specified option.

Example output:

Line 1: This is file 1.                                 Line 1: This is file 2.
Line 2: This is another line in file 1.                | Line 2: This is another line in file 2.

The output displays the differences between path/to/file1 and path/to/file2 in a side-by-side format. The lines that have changed are shown with a | symbol separating the two sets of changes.

Use case 3: Compare files and report only that they differ


xzdiff --brief path/to/file1 path/to/file2

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you only want to know if the two compressed files are different from each other without getting detailed information about the differences.

Explanation: The --brief option is provided to the xzdiff command to report only whether the files differ or not. It does not provide any specifics about the differences.

Example output:

Files path/to/file1 and path/to/file2 differ

The output simply states that the files path/to/file1 and path/to/file2 differ, without providing any further details about the differences.

Use case 4: Compare files and report when the files are the same


xzdiff --report-identical-files path/to/file1 path/to/file2

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to determine if two compressed files are completely identical to each other.

Explanation: The --report-identical-files option is used with the xzdiff command to report when the files are the same. If the two files are identical, the command will provide a message indicating that the files are the same.

Example output:

Files path/to/file1 and path/to/file2 are identical

The output confirms that the files path/to/file1 and path/to/file2 are identical, indicating that their contents are exactly the same.

Use case 5: Compare files using paginated results


xzdiff --paginate path/to/file1 path/to/file2

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to compare large files and view the differences in a paginated format, allowing you to easily scroll through the changes.

Explanation: The --paginate option is passed to the xzdiff command to display the differences between files in a paginated format that can be scrolled through using a pager program. The command will internally decompress the files and invoke the diff command with the specified option.

Example output:

--- path/to/file1     2021-01-01 12:00:00.000000000 -0400
+++ path/to/file2     2021-01-01 12:00:00.000000000 -0400
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-Line 1: This is file 1.
-Line 2: This is another line in file 1.
+Line 1: This is file 2.
+Line 2: This is another line in file 2.

Press 'q' to quit, '?' for help.

The output displays the differences between path/to/file1 and path/to/file2 in a paginated format. The @@ line indicates the range of changes, and the - and + symbols indicate the lines that have been removed and added respectively. You can press q to quit or ? to get help on navigation within the pager program.


The xzdiff command is a useful tool for comparing compressed files that use various compression algorithms. By leveraging the diff command, it allows you to identify differences between these compressed files and provides options for displaying the differences in different formats. Whether you need a side-by-side comparison, a simple indication of whether the files differ or are identical, or paginated output, xzdiff has you covered.

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