How to use the command xzmore (with examples)

How to use the command xzmore (with examples)

The xzmore command is used to display text from xz or lzma compressed files. It functions similarly to xzless, but with a few differences. xzmore respects the PAGER environment variable, uses more as the default pager, and does not allow passing options to the pager. It is a useful tool for viewing the contents of compressed files without having to decompress them.

Use case 1: View a compressed file


xzmore path/to/file

Motivation: You may want to view the contents of a compressed file without extracting it, especially if the file is large and you want to save disk space. Using xzmore allows you to view the contents directly.


  • xzmore: The command itself.
  • path/to/file: Replace this with the actual path to the compressed file you want to view.

Example output:

This is some example text in a compressed file.
It can be viewed using xzmore.


The xzmore command is a convenient way to view the contents of compressed files without having to decompress them. It can be used to quickly inspect the contents of large compressed files, saving disk space and time.

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