How to use the command 'yaa' (with examples)

How to use the command 'yaa' (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

The command ‘yaa’ is a command line tool that allows users to create and manipulate YAA (Yet Another Archive) files. This tool provides various options for creating, extracting, listing the contents, and setting specific attributes of YAA archives.

Use case 1: Create an archive from a directory


yaa archive -d path/to/directory -o path/to/output_file.yaa


Creating an archive from a directory is useful when you want to bundle multiple files and directories into a single file. This can be helpful in scenarios such as storing a collection of related files, sharing a group of files with others, or backing up a set of files.


  • yaa archive: This specifies that we want to create an archive.
  • -d path/to/directory: This option indicates the path to the directory that we want to include in the archive.
  • -o path/to/output_file.yaa: This option specifies the path and filename for the output YAA archive file.

Example output:

The directory at path/to/directory will be compressed and stored in the file specified by path/to/output_file.yaa.

Use case 2: Create an archive from a file


yaa archive -i path/to/file -o path/to/output_file.yaa


Creating an archive from a single file is useful when you want to compress the file and store it in a more efficient manner. This can be beneficial for conserving disk space or when transferring files over a network.


  • yaa archive: This specifies that we want to create an archive.
  • -i path/to/file: This option indicates the path to the file that we want to include in the archive.
  • -o path/to/output_file.yaa: This option specifies the path and filename for the output YAA archive file.

Example output:

The file specified by path/to/file will be compressed and stored in the file specified by path/to/output_file.yaa.

Use case 3: Extract an archive to the current directory


yaa extract -i path/to/archive_file.yaa


Extracting an archive is useful when you want to retrieve the original files and directories that were compressed. This is beneficial when you need to access specific files or restore a backup.


  • yaa extract: This specifies that we want to extract an archive.
  • -i path/to/archive_file.yaa: This option indicates the path to the YAA archive file that we want to extract.

Example output:

The files and directories stored in the YAA archive specified by path/to/archive_file.yaa will be extracted to the current directory.

Use case 4: List the contents of an archive


yaa list -i path/to/archive_file.yaa


Listing the contents of an archive is useful when you want to quickly view the files and directories that are stored within the archive without extracting them. This can help in identifying the files included in the archive or checking for specific files.


  • yaa list: This specifies that we want to list the contents of an archive.
  • -i path/to/archive_file.yaa: This option indicates the path to the YAA archive file for which we want to list the contents.

Example output:

A list of files and directories included in the YAA archive specified by path/to/archive_file.yaa will be displayed.

Use case 5: Create an archive with a specific compression algorithm


yaa archive -a algorithm -d path/to/directory -o path/to/output_file.yaa


Creating an archive with a specific compression algorithm can provide improved compression ratios or faster compression/decompression speeds depending on the requirements. Different algorithms have different characteristics, and choosing the right one can optimize the usage of system resources.


  • yaa archive: This specifies that we want to create an archive.
  • -a algorithm: This option specifies the desired compression algorithm to use. Replace algorithm with the desired algorithm name.
  • -d path/to/directory: This option indicates the path to the directory that we want to include in the archive.
  • -o path/to/output_file.yaa: This option specifies the path and filename for the output YAA archive file.

Example output:

The directory at path/to/directory will be compressed using the specified compression algorithm and stored in the file specified by path/to/output_file.yaa.

Use case 6: Create an archive with an 8 MB block size


yaa archive -b 8m -d path/to/directory -o path/to/output_file.yaa


Creating an archive with a specific block size can impact the memory usage and performance of compression and decompression. By setting a particular block size, users can optimize YAA archives based on the available resources and requirements.


  • yaa archive: This specifies that we want to create an archive.
  • -b 8m: This option specifies the block size to use for the archive. The number followed by m indicates the block size in megabytes.
  • -d path/to/directory: This option indicates the path to the directory that we want to include in the archive.
  • -o path/to/output_file.yaa: This option specifies the path and filename for the output YAA archive file.

Example output:

The directory at path/to/directory will be compressed using an 8 MB block size and stored in the file specified by path/to/output_file.yaa.


The ‘yaa’ command provides a versatile set of features for creating and manipulating YAA archives. Whether you need to bundle files, extract specific content, or customize compression settings, the command allows you to accomplish these tasks efficiently. By understanding the available options and their usage, you can leverage the power of ‘yaa’ and streamline your file management workflows.

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