yacc (with examples)

yacc (with examples)

Use case 1: Generate C parser code and compile grammar file


yacc -d path/to/grammar_file.y


The motivation for using this command is to generate an LALR parser in C based on a given formal grammar specification file. This is useful when developing software that requires parsing of input based on a specific grammar.


  • yacc: This is the command used to generate the parser code.
  • -d: This flag tells yacc to generate a constant declarations file (y.tab.h) in addition to the parser code.
  • path/to/grammar_file.y: This is the path to the grammar file that contains the formal grammar specification.

Example Output:

Running the above command will generate a file named y.tab.c which contains the C parser code based on the grammar specified in grammar_file.y. If the -d flag is used, it will also generate a file named y.tab.h which contains the constant declarations.

Use case 2: Compile grammar file with conflict report


yacc -d path/to/grammar_file.y -v


The motivation for using this command is to compile a grammar file while also generating a report of conflicts that arise from ambiguities in the grammar. This is useful for identifying issues or potential problems in the grammar specification.


  • -v: This flag tells yacc to generate a report of conflicts in the grammar.
  • Other arguments are the same as in the previous use case.

Example Output:

Running the above command will generate the parser code and the constant declarations file as in the previous use case. Additionally, it will generate a file named y.output which contains a report of conflicts found in the grammar.

Use case 3: Compile grammar file with custom output filenames


yacc -d path/to/grammar_file.y -v -b prefix


The motivation for using this command is to compile a grammar file with custom output filenames instead of the default y.tab.c, y.tab.h, and y.output. This can be useful when you want to have more descriptive filenames or avoid conflicts with existing filenames in your project.


  • -b prefix: This flag tells yacc to prefix the output filenames with the specified prefix instead of the default y.
  • Other arguments are the same as in the previous use case.

Example Output:

Running the above command will generate the parser code in a file named prefix.tab.c, the constant declarations file (if -d flag is used) in a file named prefix.tab.h, and the conflict report in a file named prefix.output.


In conclusion, the yacc command is a powerful tool for generating LALR parsers in C based on formal grammar specifications. It provides various options for customizing the output filenames and generating conflict reports, which can be helpful for debugging and optimizing the grammar.

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