How to use the command yapf (with examples)

How to use the command yapf (with examples)

The yapf command is a Python style guide checker. It can format Python files according to a specific style guide and provide a diff of the changes that would be made. It is a great tool for ensuring consistent code formatting and adhering to coding standards.

Use case 1: Display a diff of the changes that would be made, without making them (dry-run)


yapf --diff path/to/file


The motivation behind using this command is to see the changes that would be made to a file without actually modifying it. This can be helpful to review the potential changes before applying them.


  • --diff: This flag is used to display a diff of the changes that would be made to the file.
  • path/to/file: This is the path to the file that needs to be checked and formatted.

Example output:

--- path/to/file
+++ path/to/file
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 def hello():
-    print("Hello, world!")
+    print("Hello, Yapf!")

Use case 2: Format the file in-place and display a diff of the changes


yapf --diff --in-place path/to/file


The motivation behind using this command is to automatically format the file according to the specified style guide and see the changes that were made.


  • --diff: This flag is used to display a diff of the changes that would be made to the file.
  • --in-place: This flag is used to modify the file in-place, meaning the changes will be applied directly to the file.
  • path/to/file: This is the path to the file that needs to be checked and formatted.

Example output:

--- path/to/file
+++ path/to/file
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 def hello():
-    print("Hello, world!")
+    print("Hello, Yapf!")

Use case 3: Recursively format all Python files in a directory, concurrently


yapf --recursive --in-place --style pep8 --parallel path/to/directory


The motivation behind using this command is to format all Python files in a directory and its subdirectories according to the specified style guide concurrently. This can save time when formatting a large codebase.


  • --recursive: This flag is used to recursively search for Python files in the specified directory and its subdirectories.
  • --in-place: This flag is used to modify the files in-place, meaning the changes will be applied directly to the files.
  • --style pep8: This argument specifies the style guide to use for formatting. In this case, it uses the “pep8” style guide.
  • --parallel: This flag is used to format the files concurrently, utilizing multiple cores for faster processing.
  • path/to/directory: This is the path to the directory that contains the Python files to be formatted.

Example output:

Formatted path/to/directory/
Formatted path/to/directory/
Formatted path/to/directory/subdirectory/


The yapf command is a powerful tool for ensuring consistent code formatting and adhering to coding standards in Python projects. It provides several options for formatting files, including displaying the diff of changes, formatting files in-place, and formatting files recursively. By using this command, developers can save time and effort in manually formatting code and maintain a consistent coding style throughout their projects.

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