yt-dlp Examples (with examples)

yt-dlp Examples (with examples)

Download a video or playlist


yt-dlp ""

Motivation: Downloading a video or playlist allows users to access the content offline, without the need for an internet connection.

Explanation: This command downloads a video or playlist from YouTube or other websites. The URL of the video or playlist is passed as an argument to the yt-dlp command.

Example Output: The video or playlist is downloaded and saved to the default location or the current working directory.

List the available downloadable formats for a video


yt-dlp --list-formats ""

Motivation: It is useful to know the available formats for a video before downloading it. This allows users to choose the desired format based on their requirements.

Explanation: This command lists all the available downloadable formats for a video. The URL of the video is passed as an argument to the yt-dlp command along with the --list-formats option.

Example Output: The command will display a list of formats along with their corresponding quality, file size, and extension.

Download a video with a defined format


yt-dlp --format "bv*[ext=mp4]+ba[ext=m4a]/b[ext=mp4]" ""

Motivation: Users may want to download a video in a specific format, such as the best quality mp4 video available, to ensure compatibility with their devices or applications.

Explanation: This command specifies the desired format for downloading the video. The format is provided as an argument to the --format option, and the URL of the video is passed as an additional argument to the yt-dlp command.

Example Output: The video is downloaded in the specified format (e.g., best quality mp4 video).

Extract audio from a video


yt-dlp --extract-audio ""

Motivation: When users only need the audio content of a video, extracting the audio can save storage space and allow for easier playback on audio-only devices.

Explanation: This command extracts the audio from the video. The --extract-audio option is used to indicate that only the audio should be downloaded. The URL of the video is passed as an argument to the yt-dlp command.

Example Output: The audio file is extracted and saved in the default audio format (e.g., mp3) in the same directory as the video file.

Specify audio format and audio quality of extracted audio


yt-dlp --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 ""

Motivation: Users may prefer a specific audio format and quality when extracting audio from a video. This allows for customization according to their preferences and requirements.

Explanation: This command specifies the desired audio format and quality for the extracted audio. The --extract-audio option indicates that only the audio should be downloaded, while the --audio-format option specifies the desired audio format (e.g., mp3) and the --audio-quality option sets the audio quality between 0 (best) and 10 (worst). The URL of the video is passed as an argument to the yt-dlp command.

Example Output: The audio is extracted and saved in the specified audio format and quality.

Download all playlists of a YouTube channel/user


yt-dlp -o " %(uploader)s/%(playlist)s/%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s" ""

Motivation: Downloading all playlists from a YouTube channel or user can provide users with offline access to organized collections of videos on specific topics or themes.

Explanation: This command downloads all playlists from a YouTube channel or user. The -o option specifies the output template for the downloaded files, using placeholders to structure the directory hierarchy and naming conventions. The URL of the channel or user’s playlists is passed as an argument to the yt-dlp command.

Example Output: The playlists are downloaded and saved in separate directories corresponding to the uploader, playlist name, and playlist index.

Download Udemy course


yt-dlp -u user -p password -P "~/MyVideos" -o " %(playlist)s/%(chapter_number)s - %(chapter)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s" ""

Motivation: Downloading an entire Udemy course allows users to access the course content offline and at their own pace, without the need for an internet connection.

Explanation: This command downloads a Udemy course. The -u option is used to specify the username, -p option is used to specify the password, and the -P option is used to set the output directory. The -o option defines the output template for the downloaded files, organizing them based on chapters and lectures. The URL of the course is passed as an argument to the yt-dlp command.

Example Output: The course lectures are downloaded and saved in separate directories corresponding to chapters and lectures.

Download entire series season


yt-dlp -P "C:/MyVideos" -o "%(series)s/%(season_number)s - %(season)s/%(episode_number)s - %(episode)s.%(ext)s" ""

Motivation: Downloading an entire series season allows users to watch the series offline and avoid interruptions caused by poor internet connections.

Explanation: This command downloads an entire series season from a website. The -P option is used to set the output directory, and the -o option defines the output template for the downloaded files, organizing them based on the series, seasons, and episodes. The URL of the series season is passed as an argument to the yt-dlp command.

Example Output: The series episodes are downloaded and saved in separate directories corresponding to the series, seasons, and episodes.

In conclusion, yt-dlp provides a variety of options and functionalities for downloading videos and playlists from YouTube and other websites. With the examples provided, users can customize their downloads according to their preferences and requirements.

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