How to use the command yuvsplittoppm (with examples)

How to use the command yuvsplittoppm (with examples)

This article will demonstrate different use cases of the command yuvsplittoppm. This command is used to convert three subsampled Abekas YUV files to one PPM image. The resulting PPM image can be stored in the specified output file.

Use case 1: Convert three subsampled Abekas YUV files to one PPM image


$ yuvsplittoppm basename width height > path/to/output_file.ppm

Motivation: The motivation behind using this command is to merge three subsampled Abekas YUV files into a single PPM image. This can be useful in scenarios where three different YUV files need to be combined into one image for further analysis or processing.


  • basename represents the base name of the YUV files. The command will automatically read three files with names starting from the provided basename.
  • width and height specify the dimensions of the output image. These values determine the width and height of the final PPM image.
  • path/to/output_file.ppm is the path where the merged PPM image will be stored.

Example output: Suppose we have three YUV files named video_0.yuv, video_1.yuv, and video_2.yuv. We want to merge these files into a single PPM image with dimensions 1920x1080 and store it in the output.ppm file. The command will look like this:

$ yuvsplittoppm video 1920 1080 > output.ppm

The resulting output will be a PPM image file named output.ppm, which will contain the merged content of the three YUV files.


The yuvsplittoppm command is a useful tool for converting three subsampled Abekas YUV files to a single PPM image. It provides a convenient way to merge YUV files into one image for further processing or analysis. By specifying the base name, width, height, and output file path, users can easily generate the desired PPM image.

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