How to Convert YUY2 to PAM using 'yuy2topam' (with examples)

How to Convert YUY2 to PAM using 'yuy2topam' (with examples)

The yuy2topam command is a utility provided by the Netpbm library that facilitates the conversion of YUY2 formatted image data into the Portable Anymap Format (PAM). YUY2 is a common format in video capture operations, often used for streaming video data due to its efficient YUV color space representation. However, for applications that require a more versatile image format with support for advanced graphics and image processing operations, converting YUY2 to PAM becomes necessary.

The PAM format is widely utilized due to its flexibility and ease of manipulation, making it an ideal choice for further processing or when integrating image data into diverse systems.

Convert YUY2 bytes to PAM


yuy2topam -width 640 -height 480 path/to/file.yuy2 > path/to/file.pam


In video processing and manipulation tasks, you often encounter scenarios where raw video data is captured in the YUY2 format. While YUY2 is efficient for capturing and storing video, it might lack the flexibility required during extensive image processing. Converting YUY2 data to PAM opens up a realm of possibilities for leveraging sophisticated image processing tools and techniques. PAM’s structured data format supports a wide range of color types and can be easily converted into other formats like PPM, PNG, or TIFF for further editing, analysis, or playback.


  1. yuy2topam: This is the command-line utility responsible for converting YUY2 image data into the PAM format. The tool reads input from the provided YUY2 file, interprets the video frames according to the specified parameters, and outputs the frames in the PAM format.

  2. -width 640: This argument specifies the width of the image or video frame in pixels. The option -width tells the utility how many pixels wide the incoming YUY2 data is. Here, the width is set to 640 pixels.

  3. -height 480: Similar to the -width option, this argument indicates the height of the image or video frame in pixels. The tool uses this to understand how many pixels high each frame is. In this example, the height is set to 480 pixels.

  4. path/to/file.yuy2: This is the path to the input file containing the YUY2 bytes. It provides the raw data that the utility needs to read and convert.

  5. >: The greater-than symbol is used in Unix-based command-line environments to redirect the output of a command into a file. It ensures that the converted PAM data is stored in the specified file.

  6. path/to/file.pam: This is the output path where the converted PAM file will be saved. The file will contain the image data in a format that is more accessible for further processing.

Example Output:

After successful execution of the command, you will have a new file located at path/to/file.pam. This file will contain the same image data as the original YUY2 file but in the more flexible and user-friendly PAM format. The conversion process allows this data to be readily accessed, manipulated, or converted into other formats as needed for your specific application or workflow.


The yuy2topam utility illustrates how seemingly obscure data formats can be effectively managed and converted for practical use in a variety of applications. By understanding how to apply each parameter and incorporating these transformations into your workflow, it empowers you with the capability to exploit more advanced features of image processing applications or integrate video data as needed into different media-rich solutions. This plays a crucial role in workflows that are reliant on varying formats of image and video data processing.

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