How to use the command `zdiff` (with examples)

How to use the command `zdiff` (with examples)

zdiff is a command that allows users to invoke diff on gzipped files. It is a useful tool for comparing the contents of compressed files and archives. This article will illustrate two use cases of the zdiff command with examples.

Use case 1: Compare two files, uncompressing them if necessary


zdiff path/to/file1.gz path/to/file2.gz


Sometimes we need to compare the contents of two gzip archives. The zdiff command makes it easy to compare these compressed files without having to unzip them manually.


  • path/to/file1.gz: This argument represents the path to the first gzip file that will be compared.

  • path/to/file2.gz: This argument represents the path to the second gzip file that will be compared.

Example output:

Files path/to/file1.gz and path/to/file2.gz differ

In this example, the zdiff command compares the contents of file1.gz and file2.gz. Since the files differ, the output indicates the differences between them.

Use case 2: Compare a file to a gzipped archive with the same name


zdiff path/to/file


When working with gzipped archives, it can be helpful to compare a specific file within the archive to its uncompressed version. The zdiff command simplifies this process by comparing the compressed file to its decompressed counterpart.


  • path/to/file: This argument represents the path to the file that will be compared to its gzipped archive.

Example output:

Files path/to/file.gz and path/to/file differ

In this example, the zdiff command compares the contents of file to its corresponding gzipped archive file.gz. Since the files differ, the output indicates the differences between them.


The zdiff command is a powerful tool for comparing gzipped files and archives. It allows users to easily identify differences between compressed and uncompressed files without the need for manual extraction. Whether comparing two compressed files or a file against its gzipped counterpart, the zdiff command simplifies the process and provides clear output of the differences.

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