zforce (with examples)

zforce (with examples)

1: Add a .gz extension to the supplied Gzip files


zforce path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...


The motivation behind using this command is to add the “.gz” extension to files that have been compressed using Gzip. This can be useful when you have a set of compressed files without the proper file extension and you want to ensure that they are correctly identified as Gzip files.


The zforce command is used to add the “.gz” extension to Gzip files. It takes the paths to the Gzip files as arguments and adds the “.gz” extension to each file.

Example Output:

If we have two Gzip files named file1 and file2 without the “.gz” extension, running the following command:

zforce path/to/file1 path/to/file2

will add the “.gz” extension to the files, resulting in file1.gz and file2.gz respectively.


The zforce command is a handy tool for adding the “.gz” extension to Gzip files. This can be useful when working with compressed files that do not have the proper file extension. By using the zforce command, you can ensure that the files are correctly identified as Gzip files.

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