Managing ZFS Filesystems with Examples

Managing ZFS Filesystems with Examples

ZFS is a powerful file system that provides robust data management and storage capabilities. In this article, we will explore eight different use cases for the zfs command, demonstrating how to perform various operations on ZFS filesystems.

List all available ZFS filesystems

To list all the available ZFS filesystems, use the following command:

zfs list

Motivation: This command allows you to quickly view all the ZFS filesystems currently set up on your system. It provides useful information like the name, used and available space, and mountpoint of each filesystem.

Example Output:

pool1/fs1              100G   400G   100G  /pool1/fs1
pool1/fs2              200G   300G   200G  /pool1/fs2

Create a new ZFS filesystem

To create a new ZFS filesystem, use the following command:

zfs create pool_name/filesystem_name

Motivation: Creating a new ZFS filesystem allows you to logically separate and manage your data. This can be useful for organizing different projects, setting up backups, or managing storage usage within a pool.


  • pool_name: The name of the ZFS storage pool where the filesystem will be created.
  • filesystem_name: The name you want to give to the new ZFS filesystem.

Example Output:

pool1/new_fs created

Delete a ZFS filesystem

To delete a ZFS filesystem, use the following command:

zfs destroy pool_name/filesystem_name

Motivation: Deleting a ZFS filesystem allows you to reclaim storage space and remove unnecessary data. It can be useful when you no longer need a specific filesystem or want to clean up your storage pool.


  • pool_name: The name of the ZFS storage pool where the filesystem is located.
  • filesystem_name: The name of the ZFS filesystem you want to delete.

Example Output:

pool1/old_fs destroyed

Create a Snapshot of a ZFS filesystem

To create a snapshot of a ZFS filesystem, use the following command:

zfs snapshot pool_name/filesystem_name@snapshot_name

Motivation: Taking regular snapshots of ZFS filesystems allows you to capture the state of the filesystem at a specific point in time. Snapshots can be used for data recovery, versioning, or creating consistent backups.


  • pool_name: The name of the ZFS storage pool where the filesystem is located.
  • filesystem_name: The name of the ZFS filesystem for which you want to create a snapshot.
  • snapshot_name: The name you want to give to the snapshot.

Example Output:

pool1/fs1@snapshot1 created

Enable compression on a filesystem

To enable compression on a ZFS filesystem, use the following command:

zfs set compression=on pool_name/filesystem_name

Motivation: Enabling compression on a ZFS filesystem can save storage space by reducing the size of files on disk. It can be beneficial for systems with limited storage capacity or when dealing with bulky datasets.


  • pool_name: The name of the ZFS storage pool where the filesystem is located.
  • filesystem_name: The name of the ZFS filesystem on which compression needs to be enabled.

Example Output:

compression enabled on pool1/fs1

Change mountpoint for a filesystem

To change the mountpoint of a ZFS filesystem, use the following command:

zfs set mountpoint=/my/mount/path pool_name/filesystem_name

Motivation: Changing the mountpoint of a ZFS filesystem allows you to control where the filesystem is mounted within your directory hierarchy. This can be useful for organizing your data or making it accessible from a specific location.


  • pool_name: The name of the ZFS storage pool where the filesystem is located.
  • filesystem_name: The name of the ZFS filesystem for which you want to change the mountpoint.
  • /my/mount/path: The new directory path where you want the filesystem to be mounted.

Example Output:

mountpoint changed to /my/mount/path for pool1/fs1


In this article, we explored various use cases for managing ZFS filesystems using the zfs command. From listing all available filesystems to creating snapshots and enabling compression, these examples provide a solid foundation for working with ZFS. By understanding and leveraging these commands, you can effectively manage your ZFS storage infrastructure and optimize data storage and retrieval.

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