How to use the command 'zile' (with examples)

How to use the command 'zile' (with examples)

This article provides step-by-step instructions for utilizing the ‘zile’ command, a lightweight clone of the Emacs text editor.

Use case 1: Start a buffer for temporary notes, which won’t be saved



Motivation: Sometimes, you might need a space to quickly jot down notes or make temporary changes without saving them permanently. The ‘zile’ command allows you to start a buffer specifically for these purposes.

Explanation: When you enter the command ‘zile’ without any arguments, it launches the ‘zile’ editor, creating a new buffer for you to work with.

Example output: Upon entering ‘zile’ and pressing Enter, a new buffer window will appear, providing you with a space to write your temporary notes.

Use case 2: Open a file


zile path/to/file

Motivation: If you want to edit an existing file using the ‘zile’ editor, you can simply specify the file’s path as an argument. This functionality comes in handy when making modifications to files outside of the default buffer.

Explanation: By utilizing the ‘zile’ command followed by the path to a specific file, you can open and edit the content of that file within the ‘zile’ editor.

Example output: After executing the ‘zile path/to/file’ command, the contents of the specified file will be displayed in the ‘zile’ editor, ready for editing.

Use case 3: Save a file


Ctrl + X, Ctrl + S

Motivation: When you make changes to a file within the ‘zile’ editor, you may want to save those modifications. This use case guides you through the process of saving your changes.

Explanation: To save your changes in ‘zile’, press the Ctrl + X keys simultaneously, followed by Ctrl + S. This keyboard combination triggers the save functionality within the editor.

Example output: After pressing Ctrl + X, Ctrl + S, ‘zile’ will save the changes you made to the currently opened file, without altering the original file’s name or location.

Use case 4: Quit


Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C

Motivation: When you are done editing a file or want to exit the ‘zile’ editor, using the proper method to quit is essential to avoid losing unsaved changes.

Explanation: To quit the ‘zile’ editor, press the Ctrl + X keys simultaneously, followed by Ctrl + C. This keyboard combination triggers the exit functionality within ‘zile’.

Example output: Once you press Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C, the ‘zile’ editor will close, returning you to the command prompt or the previous application you were using.

Use case 5: Open a file at a specified line number


zile +line_number path/to/file

Motivation: In cases where you want to quickly navigate to a specific line in a file, this use case demonstrates how to open a file at a specified line number.

Explanation: By appending ‘+line_number’ to the ‘zile’ command, you can specify the line number at which you wish to begin editing the file.

Example output: Executing the ‘zile +line_number path/to/file’ command will open the specified file in ‘zile’, automatically moving the cursor to the specified line number.

Use case 6: Undo changes


Ctrl + X, U

Motivation: Mistakes happen, and sometimes you might want to undo a recent change you made while working on a file within the ‘zile’ editor. This use case guides you through the process of undoing changes.

Explanation: By pressing the Ctrl + X keys simultaneously, followed by U, you trigger the undo functionality within ‘zile’. This will revert the most recent change made to the file.

Example output: Upon pressing Ctrl + X, U, ‘zile’ will undo the most recent modification you made in the file, reverting it back to its previous state.


The ‘zile’ command is a lightweight clone of the Emacs text editor, designed to provide a simple and efficient editing experience. Whether you need a temporary note-taking space or want to make modifications to existing files, the ‘zile’ command offers a range of functionalities to fulfill your needs. By following the examples and explanations provided in this article, you can confidently utilize the ‘zile’ command for various use cases.

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