How to use the command zipgrep (with examples)

How to use the command zipgrep (with examples)

Zipgrep is a command-line utility that allows users to search for patterns within the files inside a ZIP archive using extended regular expressions. It provides a convenient way to search for specific content within compressed files. This article will illustrate various use cases of the zipgrep command along with code examples, motivations, explanations, and example outputs.

Use case 1: Search for a pattern within a ZIP archive


zipgrep "search_pattern" path/to/


This use case is useful when you want to search for a specific pattern in the contents of a ZIP archive. By using zipgrep, you can quickly identify files that contain the desired pattern without extracting the whole archive.


  • zipgrep: The command itself.
  • "search_pattern": The pattern you want to search for. You can use extended regular expressions like ?, +, {}, (), and |.
  • path/to/ The path to the ZIP archive you want to search in.

Example output:

path/to/ This is an example line that contains the search_pattern.

Use case 2: Print file name and line number for each match


zipgrep -H -n "search_pattern" path/to/


Sometimes, you may need more detailed information about the matches, such as the file name and line number. This use case is helpful when you want to have a full overview of the matches within the ZIP archive.


  • -H: This option tells zipgrep to include the file name in the output.
  • -n: This option instructs zipgrep to display the line numbers along with the matches.

Example output:

path/to/ This is an example line that contains the search_pattern.

Use case 3: Search for lines that do not match a pattern


zipgrep -v "search_pattern" path/to/


In some cases, you may want to find lines in the ZIP archive that do not match a specific pattern. This use case is useful for excluding files or content that you are not interested in.


  • -v: This option negates the search pattern, causing zipgrep to display lines that do not match the pattern.

Example output:

path/to/ This line does not match the search_pattern.


zipgrep "search_pattern" path/to/ file/to/search1 file/to/search2


When dealing with large ZIP archives, you may want to limit the search scope to specific files instead of searching the entire archive. This use case allows you to specify the files you want to search within the ZIP archive.


  • file/to/search1 file/to/search2: These are the files inside the ZIP archive that you want to search. Specify multiple files separated by spaces.

Example output:

path/to/ This is an example line that contains the search_pattern.


zipgrep "search_pattern" path/to/ -x file/to/exclude1 file/to/exclude2


In some scenarios, you may have files within a ZIP archive that you want to exclude from the search. This use case allows you to specify the files you want to exclude, ensuring that zipgrep only searches within the desired files.


  • -x file/to/exclude1 file/to/exclude2: These are the files inside the ZIP archive that you want to exclude from the search. Specify multiple files separated by spaces.

Example output:

path/to/ This is an example line that contains the search_pattern.


The zipgrep command provides a powerful and efficient way to search for patterns within compressed files. Whether you need to search the entire ZIP archive or limit the search scope to specific files, zipgrep offers various options to tailor your search. By utilizing these examples, you can effectively search for specific content within ZIP archives without the need for extraction.

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