How to use the command zipnote (with examples)

How to use the command zipnote (with examples)

The zipnote command is used to view, add, or edit comments in a zip archive. It also allows for renaming files within the zip archive. This command is useful when you want to manage the comments associated with a zip file.

Use case 1: View the comments on a zip archive


zipnote path/to/

Motivation: This use case is handy when you want to quickly view the comments associated with a zip archive. It allows you to get information about the contents of the archive without extracting the files.

Explanation: The zipnote command is followed by the path to the zip archive you want to view the comments of. In this use case, path/to/ represents the path to the zip archive you want to inspect.

Example output:

zip archive "/path/to/":
Zip file comment:
This is a demo zip archive.

Use case 2: Extract the comments on a zip archive to a file


zipnote path/to/ > path/to/file.txt

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to extract the comments of a zip archive to a text file. It allows you to save the comments for future reference or to share them with others.

Explanation: In this use case, the > operator is used to redirect the output of the zipnote command to a file. path/to/ represents the path to the zip archive you want to extract the comments from, and path/to/file.txt represents the path to the text file where the comments will be saved.

Example output: No visible output is produced for this use case. The comments from the zip archive will be saved in the path/to/file.txt file.

Use case 3: Add/Update comments in a zip archive from a file


zipnote -w path/to/ < path/to/file.txt

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to add or update comments in a zip archive from a text file. It allows you to modify the comments associated with the zip archive without extracting or recompressing the files.

Explanation: The -w option is used to specify that you want to write the comments from the text file to the zip archive. path/to/ represents the path to the zip archive you want to modify, and path/to/file.txt represents the path to the text file containing the updated comments.

Example output:

updating: path/to/file.txt  (stored 0%)


The zipnote command provides a convenient way to view, extract, and modify comments in a zip archive. By using this command, you can manage the comments associated with zip files easily, without the need for extracting or recompressing the files.

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