How to use the command 'zm' (with examples)

How to use the command 'zm' (with examples)

The ‘zm’ command is a tool for managing articles of newspapers and blogs. It provides functionalities for creating new drafts, editing existing drafts, and publishing drafts by committing them with git. This article will illustrate each of these use cases with code examples, motivations, explanations of arguments, and example outputs.

Use case 1: Making a new draft


zm new


The motivation for using this command is to create a new draft for an article in the newspaper or blog. This is useful when starting a new article from scratch or when wanting to create multiple drafts for different versions or ideas.


The ‘zm new’ command is used to create a new draft. It does not require any arguments. Upon execution, a new draft file will be created with a unique identifier and the current date and time.

Example output:

New draft created: draft_abc123.txt

Use case 2: Editing a draft


zm edit


The motivation for using this command is to make changes to an existing draft. This can be useful when updating an article with new information, correcting errors, or making any other modifications.


The ‘zm edit’ command is used to edit a draft. It does not require any arguments. Upon execution, the specified draft file will be opened in the default text editor for modification.

Example output:

Draft opened for editing: draft_abc123.txt

Use case 3: Publishing a draft and committing it with git


zm publish


The motivation for using this command is to publish a draft article by committing it with git. This allows for version control and collaboration with other team members before the final article is published.


The ‘zm publish’ command is used to publish a draft and commit it with git. It does not require any arguments. Upon execution, the specified draft file will be committed with git, indicating that it has been published.

Example output:

Draft published and committed with git: draft_abc123.txt


The ‘zm’ command provides a set of useful functionalities for managing articles of newspapers and blogs. It allows for creating new drafts, editing existing drafts, and publishing drafts by committing them with git. By using the examples provided in this article, users can effectively utilize the ‘zm’ command to streamline their article management workflow.

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