How to use the command zmore (with examples)

How to use the command zmore (with examples)

The zmore command is used to view gzip compressed files with the more command. It allows you to open and read text files that have been compressed using gzip. With zmore, you can easily navigate through the compressed files and search for specific patterns.

Use case 1: Open a compressed file


zmore path/to/file.txt.gz

Motivation: You want to view the contents of a compressed file without having to manually unzip it. Using zmore, you can directly read the compressed file and navigate through its content using the more command.


  • zmore: The command to view gzip compressed files.
  • path/to/file.txt.gz: The path to the compressed file you want to open. Replace path/to/file.txt.gz with the actual path and filename on your system.

Example output:

  • The contents of the compressed file file.txt.gz will be displayed in the terminal.
  • You can scroll through the file using the arrow keys.

Use case 2: Display the next page of the file



Motivation: While reading a large compressed file with zmore, you may want to view the next page of the file without scrolling line by line. Using the <Space> key, you can easily navigate through the file content.


  • <Space>: Pressing the spacebar will display the next page of the file.
  • This is a keyboard shortcut specific to the more command used by zmore.

Example output:

  • The next page of the file will be displayed in the terminal, showing more content.

Use case 3: Search for a pattern in the file (press n to go to the next match)



Motivation: You want to search for a specific pattern within the compressed file. With zmore, you can use regular expressions to search for patterns, making it a powerful tool for finding specific text within files.


  • /regular_expression: Replace regular_expression with the pattern you want to search for. This can be a simple string or a more complex regular expression.
  • Pressing Enter will search for the pattern within the file.
  • Pressing n will jump to the next match in the file.

Example output:

  • The first occurrence of the pattern will be highlighted in the terminal.
  • If there are multiple matches, pressing n will jump to the next match.

Use case 4: Exit



Motivation: You have finished viewing the compressed file and want to exit zmore.


  • q: Pressing the q key will exit zmore, returning you to the regular command line.
  • This allows you to close the file and free up system resources.

Example output:

  • The zmore session will be ended, and you will return to the regular command line.

Use case 5: Display interactive command help



Motivation: You want to quickly access the command help to learn more about the available options and shortcuts.


  • h: Pressing the h key will display the interactive command help for zmore.
  • This help screen provides information on how to use the various features of zmore, including navigation, searching, and exiting.

Example output:

  • The interactive command help screen will be displayed, guiding you on how to use zmore effectively.


The zmore command is a useful tool for viewing gzip compressed files without having to manually unzip them. It provides features like scrolling, searching, and interactive command help, making it convenient to navigate through the content of compressed files. Whether you need to quickly view the contents of a compressed file or search for specific patterns within it, zmore provides a simple and efficient solution.

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