How to use the command zmv (with examples)

How to use the command zmv (with examples)

The zmv command is a powerful utility in the Zsh shell that allows users to move or rename files using extended glob patterns. It is a part of the Zsh user-contributions, and can be used alongside other similar commands like zcp and zln. The zmv command provides various options that allow users to preview changes, perform interactive moves, and display verbose output.

Use case 1: Move files using a regular expression-like pattern


zmv '(*).log' '$1.txt'


This use case demonstrates how to move files by replacing the file extension. The regular expression-like pattern (*).log matches any file with the .log extension, and the replacement pattern $1.txt renames the file by preserving the original name (captured by the * pattern) and changing the extension to .txt.


  • The single quotes '(*).log' enclose the extended glob pattern that specifies the files to be moved. The (*) pattern captures the file name without the extension.
  • The replacement pattern $1.txt specifies the new name of the files. $1 represents the captured group from the pattern, which is the file name without the extension, and .txt represents the new extension.

Example Output:

If there are files named file1.log, file2.log, and file3.log in the current directory, after executing the command, the files will be renamed to file1.txt, file2.txt, and file3.txt, respectively.

Use case 2: Preview the result of a move, without making any actual changes


zmv -n '(*).log' '$1.txt'


This use case is useful when you want to see the result of moving files without actually performing the move operation. The -n option in the command allows you to preview the changes that would be made, but does not execute the move.


  • The -n option stands for “no execution” and is used to perform a dry run of the zmv command without actually modifying the files.
  • The rest of the command follows the same pattern as the previous use case, where the extended glob pattern '(*).log' and the replacement pattern '$1.txt' are specified.

Example Output:

Executing the command will display a preview of the changes that would be made, showing the original file names and their new names. However, the files will remain unchanged.

Use case 3: Interactively move files, with a prompt before every change


zmv -i '(*).log' '$1.txt'


This use case is helpful when you want to have control over each move operation. The -i option prompts the user for confirmation before applying each modification, allowing them to approve or reject each change.


  • The -i option stands for “interactive mode” and provides a prompt before applying each move operation.
  • The rest of the command follows the same pattern as the previous use cases.

Example Output:

When executing the command, you will be prompted for confirmation before each move operation. You can choose to proceed with the move by typing ‘y’ and pressing Enter, or reject the change by typing ’n’ and pressing Enter.

Use case 4: Verbosely print each action as it’s being executed


zmv -v '(*).log' '$1.txt'


This use case is useful when you want to see the details of each move operation as it is being executed. The -v option adds verbosity to the output, showing the action being performed for each matching file.


  • The -v option stands for “verbose mode” and provides detailed output of each move operation.
  • The rest of the command follows the same pattern as the previous use cases.

Example Output:

The command will display a line for each move operation, indicating the source and destination file name for each matching file.


The zmv command is a versatile tool for moving or renaming files in the Zsh shell. With its extended glob pattern support and various options, users can easily perform complex file moves or renames. The command gives users the ability to preview changes, perform interactive moves with prompts, and display verbose output, providing flexibility and control over file operations.

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