How to use the command 'zotero' (with examples)

How to use the command 'zotero' (with examples)

Zotero is a command-line tool used to manage bibliographies. It provides a way to organize and collect research materials, generate citations, and create bibliographies. This article will explore different use cases of the ‘zotero’ command, demonstrating its various functionalities.

Use case 1: Run ‘zotero’ with the GUI




The motivation behind using this example is to launch Zotero with its graphical user interface (GUI). This allows users to interact with Zotero using a visual interface, making it easier to manage bibliographies, add new items, and perform other operations.


By running the command zotero, Zotero will be launched with its GUI. It will open a window where users can access their library, search for items, add new citations, and perform other tasks related to bibliography management.

Example output:

The command will open the Zotero application with its graphical interface, displaying the user’s library and available features.

Use case 2: Run ‘zotero’ in headless mode


zotero --headless


Running Zotero in headless mode allows for automation and scriptability of bibliographic functions. This can be useful when integrating Zotero into a larger research workflow or when performing batch operations on bibliographic data.


The --headless flag tells Zotero to run in headless mode, meaning there will be no graphical user interface. The command can be used to perform operations on bibliographic items without any visual interaction. This is beneficial for automated workflows and scripts that require bibliographic management without human intervention.

Example output:

The command will execute silently in the background without any graphical interface or user interaction.

Use case 3: Run ‘zotero’ with a specific profile


zotero -P profile


Using a specific profile with Zotero allows users to maintain multiple libraries or configurations. This can be useful for separating personal and professional bibliographic collections or for managing different research projects independently.


The -P flag followed by a profile name allows Zotero to be executed with a specific profile. Profiles act as independent instances of Zotero, each with its own set of settings, libraries, and configurations. By using this command, users can switch between different profiles and effectively manage multiple bibliographic collections or research projects.

Example output:

The command will open Zotero with the specified profile, loading the respective library and configuration associated with that profile.

Use case 4: Run the Migration Assistant


zotero --migration


The motivation behind this example is to migrate existing references from other bibliographic management tools to Zotero. The Migration Assistant helps users import data from other software or library systems and transfer it to Zotero seamlessly.


By running the command zotero --migration, the Zotero Migration Assistant will be launched. This assistant provides step-by-step guidance on importing data from different bibliographic management tools, such as EndNote, Mendeley, and BibTeX. It simplifies the process of migrating existing references to Zotero, ensuring a smooth transition.

Example output:

The command will open the Zotero Migration Assistant, which will guide users through the process of importing data from another bibliographic management tool. Users will receive prompts and options to select the specific tool they want to migrate from, and the assistant will handle the import process accordingly.


The ‘zotero’ command offers various use cases for managing bibliographies efficiently. By using the command with different parameters, such as launching the GUI, running in headless mode, specifying profiles, and utilizing the Migration Assistant, users can accomplish their bibliographic tasks effectively. Whether it’s organizing research materials, generating citations, or migrating from other tools, Zotero provides a powerful command-line interface for seamless bibliographic management.

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