How to use the command 'zoxide' (with examples)

How to use the command 'zoxide' (with examples)

The ‘zoxide’ command is a tool for keeping track of frequently used directories. It provides a ranking algorithm to navigate to the best match and can be used to quickly switch between directories. The command can be especially useful for users who work with a large number of directories and need an efficient way to navigate through them.

Use case 1: Go to the highest-ranked directory that contains “foo” in the name


zoxide query foo

Motivation: This use case allows users to quickly navigate to their most frequently used directory that contains “foo” in the name. It is especially helpful when there are multiple directories with similar names and the user wants to choose the most frequently accessed one.

Explanation: The ‘zoxide query foo’ command searches for the highest-ranked directory that contains “foo” in the name and navigates to it.

Example output: If the highest-ranked directory with “foo” in the name is ‘/path/to/foo_directory’, the command will navigate the current directory to ‘/path/to/foo_directory’.

Use case 2: Go to the highest-ranked directory that contains “foo” and then “bar”


zoxide query foo bar

Motivation: This use case extends the previous example and allows users to navigate to a specific directory that contains not only “foo” in the name but also “bar”. It helps in quickly accessing a specific directory within a set of similar directories.

Explanation: The ‘zoxide query foo bar’ command searches for the highest-ranked directory that contains both “foo” and “bar” in the name and navigates to it.

Example output: If the highest-ranked directory with “foo” and “bar” in the name is ‘/path/to/foo_bar_directory’, the command will navigate the current directory to ‘/path/to/foo_bar_directory’.


zoxide query --interactive

Motivation: This use case provides an interactive way to search for directories using ‘fzf’, a command-line fuzzy finder. It allows users to search for directories with ease and flexibility.

Explanation: The ‘zoxide query –interactive’ command starts an interactive directory search using ‘fzf’. It displays a list of directories ranked by frequency and allows the user to select one from the list.

Example output: The output will be an interactive interface where the user can search for directories and select one to navigate to.

Use case 4: Add a directory or increment its rank


zoxide add path/to/directory

Motivation: This use case allows users to add a directory to the ‘zoxide’ database or increment its rank if it already exists. It helps in keeping track of frequently used directories and improves the accuracy of navigation.

Explanation: The ‘zoxide add path/to/directory’ command adds the specified directory to the ‘zoxide’ database or increments its rank if it already exists.

Example output: If the directory ‘/path/to/directory’ is added or its rank gets incremented, there will be no output. The command silently adds or updates the rank of the directory in the database.

Use case 5: Remove a directory from ‘zoxide’ database interactively


zoxide remove path/to/directory --interactive

Motivation: This use case enables users to interactively remove a directory from the ‘zoxide’ database. It improves the maintainability of the database by allowing users to remove directories that are no longer frequently used.

Explanation: The ‘zoxide remove path/to/directory –interactive’ command starts an interactive interface using ‘fzf’ to remove the specified directory from the ‘zoxide’ database. The user can select the directory from the list and remove it.

Example output: The output will be an interactive interface where the user can select the directory to remove from the ‘zoxide’ database.

Use case 6: Generate shell configuration for command aliases


zoxide init bash|fish|zsh

Motivation: This use case generates shell configuration to set up command aliases for ‘zoxide’. It allows users to use shorter and more convenient aliases to access ‘zoxide’ functionalities.

Explanation: The ‘zoxide init bash|fish|zsh’ command generates shell configuration for the specified shell (bash, fish, or zsh) to set up command aliases. The aliases can be used to access ‘zoxide’ functionalities easily.

Example output: The command will generate shell configuration with appropriate command aliases for the specified shell.


The ‘zoxide’ command provides a powerful and efficient way to keep track of frequently used directories. With its ranking algorithm and interactive search capabilities, it offers users a convenient method for navigating through directories. By using the provided examples, users can make full use of ‘zoxide’ and enhance their directory management workflow.

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