Different Use Cases of the `zsh` Command (with examples)

Different Use Cases of the `zsh` Command (with examples)

Interactive Shell Session




Starting an interactive shell session with zsh allows users to directly interact with the command-line interpreter. This can be useful for executing commands, accessing file systems, and managing the system in a user-friendly manner.


The zsh command without any arguments launches an interactive shell session with zsh as the default shell. This opens a new terminal window or tab, providing a prompt where users can enter commands.

Example Output:

% zsh
% ls
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Execute Specific Commands


zsh -c "echo Hello world"


Executing specific commands using zsh -c can be useful when you want to run a command without launching an interactive shell session explicitly. This allows for the execution of commands in a single line, making it suitable for scripting or automation tasks.


The -c option with zsh lets you provide a command as an argument to be executed by zsh. The command is enclosed in double quotes (") or curly braces ({}). In the example, the echo Hello world command is passed as an argument to zsh.

Example Output:

Hello world

Execute a Specific Script


zsh path/to/script.zsh


Running a specific script with zsh can be helpful when you want to execute a set of commands saved in a file. By using zsh as the interpreter, you can ensure that the script is executed correctly and that any zsh-specific features are properly interpreted.


By providing the path to a specific script file as an argument to zsh, you can execute the script using zsh as the command-line interpreter. The script file should have the .zsh extension to indicate that it contains zsh commands.

Example Output:

If the script file (script.zsh) contains the command echo Hello world, the example output would be:

Hello world

Check Script for Syntax Errors without Execution


zsh --no-exec path/to/script.zsh


Checking a specific script for syntax errors without executing it can help identify any issues before running it. This can be particularly useful if the script is complex or if the script includes variables and flow control statements that need to be validated.


The --no-exec option with zsh allows you to check a script for syntax errors without actually executing it. By providing the path to the script file, zsh performs a syntax check and reports any errors or warnings.

Example Output:

If the script file (script.zsh) contains a syntax error, the example output would be:

zsh:1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Execute Commands from stdin


echo Hello world | zsh


Executing commands from stdin can be useful when you want to pass the output of one command as input to another command. This allows for command chaining and the creation of complex pipelines for data processing.


By using the pipe (|) operator, the output of one command (echo Hello world) is passed as input to zsh from the stdin stream. The zsh command then executes the received commands.

Example Output:

Hello world

Execute a Script with Command Tracing


zsh --xtrace path/to/script.zsh


Executing a script with command tracing enabled can help debug complex scripts or understand the execution flow of a script. Command tracing displays each command in the script before executing it, providing insights into the script’s behavior.


The --xtrace option with zsh enables command tracing while executing a script. By providing the path to the script file, zsh outputs each command from the script before executing it, prefixed with a + sign.

Example Output:

If the script file (script.zsh) contains the commands:

echo Hello
echo World

The example output would be:

+ echo Hello
+ echo World

Start an Interactive Shell Session in Verbose Mode


zsh --verbose


Starting an interactive shell session in verbose mode can be useful for debugging scripts or understanding the execution of commands in detail. Verbose mode displays each command before executing it, providing transparency into the shell’s actions.


The --verbose option with zsh starts an interactive shell session in verbose mode. When a command is entered, zsh displays each command before executing it, prefixed with a + sign.

Example Output:

% zsh --verbose
+ zsh --verbose
+ echo Hello world
Hello world

Execute a Command inside zsh with Disabled Glob Patterns


noglob command


Disabling glob patterns can be useful when you want to prevent zsh from expanding wildcard characters or performing filename generation. This ensures that a command is executed exactly as provided, without any unintended substitutions.


The noglob command can be used to disable glob patterns for a specific command within zsh. By prefixing the desired command with noglob, any wildcards or glob patterns within the command are treated as literals and not expanded by zsh.

Example Output:

If the command ls *.txt lists all .txt files in the directory, executing the command noglob ls *.txt would treat *.txt as a literal and not expand it, resulting in a similar output:


By using the zsh command effectively with different options and arguments, users can perform various tasks, such as executing commands, running scripts, debugging, or managing the shell environment. These examples demonstrate the flexibility and versatility of the zsh command in different scenarios, catering to the needs of both interactive users and automation enthusiasts.

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